This was a request from LuminaMystic.
They were found guilt of the murder:
They found themself standing at the edge of an ice skating rink, leaning on the brick wall. They were also wearing the appropriate shoes for this. They stared at the rink with such admiration. It was - or seemed like- the exact same rink her favourite ice skater, (insert name), would practise in so often. However, she/he had never been able to go there as it was in another country. Full of excitement, he/she began to imitate their ice-skating idol. But when they began to move, their ice skates began to creata a line behind them, which expanded to cracks. Therefore, they stooped, but when they did this, a crack began to develop beneath them. Worriedly, they began to move again, but stayed very close to the edge, and when they reached the end of the line, they moved a bit to the right/left and did the same. They watched the cracks left behind by them expand. They scanned the room for a door, a window, an exit of any sort. But only brick walls surrounded them. They continued to skate until.. they were at a dead end. Their attempt to climb the wall was entirely futile. Crack! Crack! Snap! SUddenly, they feel through the ice and fell deeper and deeper until the their screams for help could no longer be heard. Thud! There bleeding corpse lay a coutnless amount of nautical miles below the ground. A place perhaps nearly as hot as the core of the earth. Maybe their dead body would be turned to ashes. But we know that the Ultimate Ice Skater is dead...
Oh my, why is this so terrible D: Sometimes, I'm so uncreative! Hehe, sorry if this is really bad, but just lemme know if it's not okay; I feel like this needs to be imrpoved anyway, but it's up to you.
Danganronpa Execution Ideas
AléatoireThese are just some of my own made-up executions for different ultimates. And you can request them too.