Chapter 1: The end of a fairytale

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Meredith was late for work. She winced as she saw the clock on her bedroom's white wall. She winced harder when she saw the mess her bedroom was in. She had been promising herself that she would clean it as soon as she came back from work. The problem was she was so tired most of the days that she could hardly bring herself to change into her night clothes let alone clean the mess in her bedroom.

She sighed wishing for the umpteenth time Jillian would move back in with her. She missed her friend but smiled when she remembered how happy her friend had been when she had started dating this new guy.

"It's like I have found THE ONE Mer!" Jillian had exclaimed.

Quickly Meredith shook herself out of her reverie and pulled on her black heels. The worst part was Meredith had been unable to meet J Cullen - Jillian loved calling him that. He was always away on some business trip or the other and was always taking her friend with him. At first Jillian had been casual about this relationship and Meredith hadn't realised it was going to reach a point where she may have to move out of the house and live on her own.

She quickly glanced around her apartment and was satisfied she hadn’t left a light on. She ran out of her house and got into her beat up old mustang. 

“Please start baby, please” she silently prayed. After stalling for about a minute it sputtered to life. Meredith worked as a dental assistant for a well known dentist. He was a charming man but Meredith hated him with a passion.

He was married to a wonderful woman who was expecting their first baby but Dr. Schwartz kept hitting on her. She wasn’t sure when he started to change, when she had joined work he had been a pleasant man but lately she shuddered at the prospect of working with him. 

Meredith pulled into the parking lot and silently thanked her stars that the doctor wasn’t in yet. She opened the clinic switched on the lights and the air conditioner. She sat down at her desk massaging her temples. She had barely sat down when the clinic phone rang.

“Dr. Schwartz’s office”

“Hi this is Mrs. Miller here. Can you please fix an appointment for my son Daniel?”

“Yes Mrs. Miller. What seems to be the problem?”

“He has toothache and won’t stop crying”

“Alright in that case I could schedule an appointment at 11 a.m.?”

“That would be perfect, thank you so much dear”

“You’re welcome Mrs. Miller”

Meredith hung up and proceeded it to make coffee for herself.

“I’ll have a cup as well”

Meredith jumped as she heard the dentist’s voice behind her.

“Of course”

She made a cup of coffee for Ryan Schwartz and went in his office and placed the cup in front of him. Just as she was about to turn away and go out Ryan reached out and grabbed her hand.

“Is there anything else I can get you doctor?” Meredith asked gritting her teeth.

“Oh I can think of a few”

Meredith’s eyes widened and she was about to retort when he spoke up and said, “Get me my appointment book please”

Meredith nodded and went out. She blew out a breath; if only she could find a new job she could ditch this ass of a boss. She took the appointment book and placed it in front of him and this time left quickly.

She sat at her desk idly filing her nails as Dr. Ryan went through his list of appointments for the day.

"Meredith!" he yelled.

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