New kid

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I woke up this morning and relized i had school. I quickly got up and hoped in the shower. I got of the shower and chaaged in to this

After i got dressed i did my normal makeup  routine and ran downstairs

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After i got dressed i did my normal makeup  routine and ran downstairs. I grabbed an apple and water (my usual) and went straight to my car.
I drove to school and once j got there i relized i was 10 minutes early. I sat in my car and did some snaps. I heard a knock. I looked over and there was a pretty cute boy who looked new to the school."Can i help you?" "Yea, um, im new to the school and i dont know how to get around. Could you help me?" "yea sure" i turned off my car and met him, at the passengers side.I led him inside and to the front office.

"So whats your name?" "Oh, uhh, its Landon." "Oh well, my name is Jaylyn." "Heres the office. Did you want me to show you around?" "Yea that would be great" "Okay" We walk in to the office and get his scheduale, they give me a pass  for showing Landon around. "so what brings you to Virgina?"(okay idk if i ever said a location sooo) "Well, i just moved here with my parents and my sister, my dad grew up here so" "oh cool" "yea" "So it looks like we have all of the same classes so you can just hang out with me all day" "Oh cool" "well this is are first class"

Landon and i then walked to lunch together. We walked to are normal tale and we sat down. We were the first people there so. Soon everybody came and as soon as Mark sat down he kept on giving me dirty looks. "okay everybody, this is Landon he just moved here" he did a small wave to everyone and i smiled "Landon meet, Mark, Hunter, Celeste, and Makayla. A girl named Emily also sits here but she is sitting with her boyfriend" "you look familiar" Hunter said "im kinda famous on social media.." "Thats where i known you from" "Yea my sister and I are. Also, my dads a musician" "Oh cool" Hunter said. "So guys i was thinking about hanging out tonight at my place and watching a movie!" "yea that sounds fun" Celeste said "Okay, my place at 3:30, Landon you can just come with me after school. Unless you have a car, you could just drive behind me." "My dad dropped me off today, but i do have a car" "Okay then you can just come with me" As i finished saying that the bell rang. I said bye to everyone and then Landon and I left. "What movie should we watch" "Lets watch boo 2!" "OMG yes i love that movie!" "okay then"

The last bell of the day rang and then we went and got our stuff. "Landon do you wanna run by target and stock up on snacks?" "Yea sure, i will pay" "No, you dont have to" "not its okay" "fine". We go outside to my jeep and get in my car. "does your sister need a ride?" "Umm, not sure. Let me text her" "ok" "Yea she says she will be here in a moment" I then see a blonde girl in an olive green bomber jacket, denim jeans and a white crop top come to the car. " Hi, Im alabama but you can call me Bama" "Hi, im jaylan"i say, Landon the says "Do you have an AUX cord?" "What kind of teen doesent?" "TRUE, hey Jay can i ask my one other friend that lives here to come?" "Yea i dont care" "Okay"He says "Bama, where do you wanna be dropped off?" "Um, I can show you" "Okay"

We dropped Bama off then went to target. We got everything and headed to my house. We walked inside and in to our inside cinema. We put everything away "Oh my friends here" "KK, you go ,let him in and i am going to change.

Landon POV

I walked back in to the entry way and to the front door. "Jacob" "Landon, it so good to see you man. Are you sure Jaylan is okay with me coming?" "Yea, why wouldnt she" "Nevermind" "Okay then" We walked back to the cinema room and caught  up.

Jaylans POV

I changed in to my hot pink nike pros and in to a black tight crop top. I heard a knock on the door and went downstairs and opened it. "Hey guys" i hugged everyone and i saw Mark walking to my house on his phone. I talked and walked with Makayla and Celeste to the cinema room. I took a glance in to the cinema room  and caught eyes with Landon and.... I quickly ran up the stairs in to my bedroom, i jumped on my bed and started crying. Celeste and Hunter came to comfort me, while heard Makayla yelling at people.
I sit up and pull my knees up to my chest, i see Landon come up and run over to me "Jay, i am soo sorry. I didnt know you two had a past." "Its okay Landon, i forgive you. " "I pull him in for a hug. "He can stay its fine"  i already told him to go home" "Okay" i then got up and went downstairs.

We finished watching the movie, Mark was staying over with Hunter. I said bye to everyone and the drkve Landon home. He appligized so many times, it was kinda funny.

I arrived home and as soon as i walked in i heard the song betrayed blasting. In case you didnt know my mom and 2 brothers were gone. I quitly  walked upstairs and peeked in to Hunters room, and saw them both TRYING to grind. I quickly took out my phone and started recording. Mark looked over and saw me. I started running to my room. He caught up with me and tackled me on to my bed. I was pinned down "Delete that" he says "No" i say while laughing "Jay" "Yea" "Delete it" i quickly pulled on his shirt and slammed his lips in to mine. The kiss lasted awhile until we heard zomeone cough, we both pulled away and saw Hunter. "Mark you can makeout with my sister all you want, but please not in front of me" "Delete that" i said " they both smirked at me and said "you have to delete the pics you have of us" "Okay" i pretended to delete when really i just put it on my google act and deleted from my phone, "Done" i then took his phone and deleted it personally making sure there was no backup. Im smarter. "You guys can hang out because stephanies coming over" eww Stephanie the BiGGEST slut in school. "Okay"
Hunter left and Mark and i just laughed "Hey Jay?" "Yea" "Im sorry" "Its okay. I have an idea" "What?" "Lets go to tropical smothie!!!" "Yes" We both went downstairs and to my car.

We arrived i got a bahama mama and he got a beach bum with white choclate ( thats somebodys fave order)

We got back to the house and ran upstairs. All we could hear were moans filling the hallwaty. We immediatly laughed and it stopped. We both ran to my room and locked the door. "Im going to go change" "I would but my clothes are in hunters room." "Here" i said while throwing a pair of his sweatpants at him "I kept them" "Damn, i have been looking for these" "shut the fuck up" i say while laughing, i grab my clothes and walk in to the bathroom. I changed in to my clothes.

Im ending this chapter right now because i wantec there to be a part 2. Okay, so my friend didnt want me to put in Landon. Because he webt out of his time to block her. Like what?? Go out of your time and follow or dm, not block randon pwople who are standing up for who they support😂😂😂
Love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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