Chapter 17

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Lisa's POV

Aaron and I have been dating for 5 months now and I think it's time for me to introduced Aaron to the fans, we've been getting pretty serious and I told them that when I do get serious with someone I would share with them so I posted multiple of my favorite pictures of Aaron and I on instagram

LisaCimorelli: I have waited for so long to find everything you are. You make me feel something that is so undescribable that it is ridiculous. No one has ever put in any effort for me as much as you. No one has ever tried to make me happy as much as you. Relationships never came easy to me, to me relationships were so terrifying to me that I would push away anyone that came my way and my anxiety goes sky rocket,  but not you, You make everything so easy and comfortable. You assure me that I have nothing worry about and know how to keep me calm, I dont know what i would without you, You brought so much happiness in my life. Thank you. I love you so much ❤

And by the way guys....this is Aaron 😉

So Christina told us today she wanted to write a song and everything to keep our minds flowing and stuff like that, so I have a journal and everything and I have complete writers block and then I got to thinking....I write everything about being hurt....I'm not hurt but I am in love, so I came up with an idea that instead of writing about being hurt, I should write about of how much Aaron means to me and surprise him with it, I don't know, but I am seriously falling in love with him.

Aaron's POV

I seen where Lisa tagged me in a post on instagram and I smiled really big, she told me from the get go that she isn't going to post about us because of the fans and stuff until we are actually serious and that she knows that our relationship is a real deal, and she did, which just proves to me that she is just as serious about us as I am, which I already knew but I'm glad that it's to the point where she is willing to introduce me to the fans now, and now my followers and everything are blowing up and I posted a picture of Lisa and I just looking at each other laughing

"She is looking at me like that probably cause I made her laugh, but I am looking at her like that because she is just so beautiful I can't look away"

I have never felt this way about anyone and I absolutely love it.

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