Chapter 33

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Lisa's POV
I posted a picture of Aaron and I as I was holding up my fimger with the ring on it and he was kissing my cheek

LisaCimorelli: I get to keep him forever ❤ 

I am so extremely happy! Everyone came up and congratulated us and my dad walked up to Aaron
"Welcome to the family Aaron" He said as he shook his hand and I smiled and after everyone was talking and everything and the attention wasn't on us anymore so I took Aaron's hand and brought him outside and immediately just crash my lips against his and our lips moved in sync and I pulled away and he hugged me really tight
"So are you excited?" He asked and I nodded
"Very" I said and he smiled
"Me too" He said and he put his forehead on mine
"I can't wait to spend with my life with you" He said and I smiled
"I'm can't wait ether, our own house" I said smiling and he spoked up
"Our kids" He said smiling and I just pressed my lips against his and pulled away and he spoked up
"Our dreams our becoming a reality babe" He said and he put his forehead on mine and I smiled really big and he spoked up
"I love you so much Lisa" He said and I smiled
"I love you more then you will know" I said and he smiled and I pressed my lips against his once more and our lips moved in sync and then the front door open
"Hey lise" I heard Amy say and I took my hand and shooed her away without pulling away and she chuckled as she went back inside . I usually would pull away but everything about this moment was so perfect. I didn't want it to end. I pulled away and just hugged him very tight. Everything is coming together.  The band is doing amazing, I am engaged and my fiance is amazing, absolutely amazing family and friends, I am seriously so blessed.

Aaron POV
Lisa is now my fiance, she is going to be my wife. I'm so excited to see our future together. We have talked about our future so many time and it is so amazing that it is all starting to becoming a reality. I would absolutely change nothing about it. Lisa is and will always be one of the most amazing things that ever come in my life. Things are amazing and I am absolutely blessed.

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