Plenty of hot guys in the sea

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Jack slowly opened his eyes, feeling warmth next to him, he rolled over to see Finn sleeping peacefully, with his arms wrapped tightly round jacks waist. The smaller boy blushed, pushing some of the black curls that were falling in Finns face to the side, before snuggling into the taller boys chest and closing his eyes.

Across the room, Millie had just woken up, completely entangled in Sophia's arms and legs. She blushed, slowly shaking the other girl awake.

"Soph, babe, I have to pee, and I'm kinda trapped," she smiled as the red head opened her sleepy eyes, mumbling a quick apology, and moving
so Millie could get up.

As she was stepping over all of the sleeping bodies, she nearly tripped over  Jaeden and Wyatt, who were leaned against the wall, Jaedens head resting on wyatts shoulder. Millie smiled softly before opening the bathroom door, and nearly falling over from surprise.

On the bathroom floor next to the tub, sat a sobbing Noah with his head in his hands and his body shaking. Millie quickly ran over to him and pulled him into her lap, rubbing his back and shushing him.

"Shhh, Noah honey what's wrong? How long have you been in here?" She held him closely, Noah was like a brother to her, and it hurt her to no end to see him so broken like this.

"I-I" Noah sobbed louder, burying his face in Millie's shirt, "I-i-its F-Finn,"

"Finn? What happened to him? Did he say something to you last night?" Millie was becoming even more concerned, it didn't seem like something Finn would do, hurting Noah like this.

"N-no it's just," Noah took a deep breath before continuing, "he's so obviously in love with jack, a-and, it kinda hurts," the tiny boy said, looking at the bathroom tiles and shivered, he was suddenly very cold.

"Oh, Schnapple, it'll be okay, baby, Finns not the right one for you anyways, he never treated you right," she ran her hands through his soft hair, holding him close.

"I know," Noah sniffed, "I'm acting ridiculous about all of this,"

"No, no, honey you're not," Millie smiled, pulling away from the smaller boy, "There's plenty of hot boys in the sea, now if you'll excuse me, I really have to pee"

They both giggled, and Noah slowly stood and made his way back into the main area of Jaedens basement.

Apparently it was pretty obvious he had been crying, because as he sat down on the couch, opening jos phone to check Instagram, Sadie slid in next to him.

"You okay, Schnipper?" She asked, resting her hand on his thigh.

Noah blushed slightly at her hand placement before answering, "yeah, it's nothing, Millie helped me out,"

Sadie pulled him close to her side, "as long as you're okay," she smiled down at him.

Noah's face flushed a bit more red, maybe Millie was right. Maybe Finn wasn't right for him. Maybe there were plenty on hot guys in the sea. Maybe there were girls too.

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Sorry this is so short, I just felt like Sadie and Noah deserved some love.

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