Winter fire

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Jack had been staring at his ceiling for what seemed like hours. The events of yesterday evening kept replaying in his head. What did the kiss mean? Did Finn like him back? Was he doing out if pity because of Ellie? Jack really hoped not. He liked Finn, a lot more than he probably should like him. And that kiss seemed to imply that Finn felt the same way about him, but he'd have no way to know for sure unless he asked.

Jack sighed, rolling over into his stomach and grabbing his phone.

Jack: Finn?

Finn: what's up?

Jack: can you meet me at the park in 10?

Finn: sure thang

Jack smiled, quickly throwing on a hoodie that must've been three sizes too big for him, it was Finns after all. He ran down the stairs yelling a quick goodbye to his mom and telling her where he was going. He stopped by the front door to put on his beat-up old vans that were starting to get way too small for him, and was out the door.

Jack grabbed his skateboard, running his hand over the visible crack Finn made when he fell on it, and jumped on. He skated down the road, being sure to avoid the ditch, and enjoyed the wind blowing softly through his hair. The small boy narrowly avoided a few bumps in the road, and smiled as he approached the park.

He jumped off his board, carrying it under one arm. He found an empty bench to wait for finn on, setting down his skateboard and playing with the sleeves on the sweatshirt that went a good ways past his hands. He watched the orange leaves fall off the tress and land in the creek, and stared up at the blue sky. It was a nice day today, it wasn't too cold and there weren't many people around.

Pretty soon he saw a familiar tall figure with curly black hair park his bike by the bike racks. Jack quickly scooched over to make more room for Finn, not being able to contain the blush that rose to his cheeks as finn walked over.

"Hey Grazer," the tall boy said, fluffing his hair and sitting down next to him, their thighs and shoulders touching.

Jacks blush deepened, "Hey yourself, Wolfhard," he smiled.

Finn leaned on him a bit more, "So, what did ya wanna talk about?"

"Um," Jack hadn't thought this far ahead, "I- I wanted to talk about..." he trailed off, looking anywhere but the boy sitting beside him.


The small boy glanced over at him, slowly nodding.

Finn looked thoughtful for a moment, twisting his hair in between two fingers, "Who said we have to talk?"

Jack turned his head to actually look at him now. He was wearing a faded red t shirt with the words 'Nirvana' so worn away that you could barley read them anymore. His black jeans looked like he had ripped them himself, and the belt he was wearing was on the tightest setting, but seemed to be falling off his body anyway. The black converse on his feet were completely scribbled over with sharpie, words and pictures unreadable and smudged. Jack vaguely remembered drawing the big red heart on the side, it now looking more like a brown circle.

"What do you mean?" it was so quiet, he barley heard himself say it.

Finn moved closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist so he'd do the same, "I mean," he said quietly, "Who said we had to talk?" and before Jack could process what was happening, Finns lips were on his. The kiss last night was good, but this, this was different. Last night was full of desperation and need and unsureness, but this was full of something else. This kiss was full of certainty and and passion and love. And as cheesy as it sounds, Jack felt the fire burn brighter, he felt it spread from his stomach to his hands down to his toes. And finn tasted like hot chocolate and sprinkles. He tasted like summer nights and winter fire. He tasted like vanilla ice cream and strawberry milkshakes on a hot day. He tasted perfect.

Their lips fit perfectly together, they moved perfectly together too. Finn never wanted this kiss to end. Jacks lips were soft and smooth. His hair was curly and perfect to get your fingers tangled in. He smelled like lavender, and Finn loved it. Jack moved his arms so they were wrapped around Finns neck and deepened the kiss. Finn smiled into it. He couldn't imagine anything better than this.

And after they finally pulled apart, they looked at each other like the other hung the stars and the moon. They looked at each other like they'd forgotten there were other things to look at, because in that moment, there weren't. It was just Finn and Jack. Jack and Finn. That's the way they liked it, anyway.

Finn was winter fire.

January embers.

Jacks heart burned there, too.

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