sixth half

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So I had this hype opportunity to make a chapter and I used it on this story because I'd like to finish it quickly before I cease to chase away my disinterest. So anyways, here we go xDDD


Noah waved at Billy as she and Oddman exited the tent. The cat-faced individual gave her a little salute, remaining seated on the bench he was previously at.

"He purred. That was cute."

Noah said, earning a small laugh from the man beside her.

"I see. Are you and Billy friends by now?"

"Friends? I. . . Think so."

At the tone of her voice, Oddman could have sworn she was smiling. But one look at her face discarded his assumption automatically. She was still straight-faced, calm enough as if the thought of being with a different person didn't give her joy.

It wasn't his fault, but. . .

"I see. I'm glad you're getting along with everyone."

The girl nodded, pulling the muffler up to her nose. The red colour drew Oddman's attention, and he stared at the dirty article of clothing unconsciously, long enough for Noah to notice his questionable behavior.

"What is it, Oddman?"

The aforementioned being snapped out of his trance, shaking his head slightly as a sign of disregard.

They walked in silence for a little while, towards a different tent that could very well be considered a fancily-dressed giant.

The tent had been adorned with glittering materials and mottled with a dazzling combination of colors, being both contrasting but well-blended.

"This tent is beautiful."

"Of course it is. It belongs to one of our circus members. From now on, you will be sharing a room with her."

"I see. Does anyone else share tents?"

Noah asked, fingering the tent flap as if she was afraid she'd stain the good fabric with the thin layer of grime on her hands.

"We first intended all the girls to share and all the males to do the same, but each of them decided on making quarters of their own. The tent we came from was a break room, similar to a backstage in normal theaters."

Noah simply nodded as Oddman explained the situation.

"Why get me to share with her, though? I mean, it's not like I disagree with the idea, but. . ."

"I get what you mean. For all that I can see, I'm pretty sure you can get along with Rebecca and learn many things from her. She has quite the mood swings, but you'll be able to tolerate it."

"Thank you for your consideration."

"Of course, I have to be hospitable. I was he who invited you to this circus. Now run along and get together with her. She's not going to do a show tonight, so you can get her to show you to the baths."

They parted ways, Oddman disappearing in the shadows like a shade.

As Noah peeked inside the tent, a tiger roared and lunged at her as if she was prey. This sudden suprise caused her to back off a few steps, panicking and falling to her backside.

"Betty, what is going on-- Oh! A human girl. You're so adorable! What's your name?"

"I-I am called Noah."

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