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this was supposed to be released like last week, but i had no internet at all. here


There once was a being, human he was not, strange was all he had been.


He lived in the darkness, dragging people who strayed further away from the sunrays of vitality, into the void.

He didn't think of himself as anything but a bringer of misfortune.

One day, there came a girl, pale, scrawny, but she was gleeful.

He was about to drag her away into the darkness, as was he always did when handling those who had come close to the end.

But he saw something, something he had never laid eyes on in the hundreds of returns that he had wandered through, in the girl's hands.

"What is that?"

"A flower."

"Flower? Where can I get it?"

"These flowers grow somewhere along the outskirts of town. You can plant them, but these beautiful things grow out there on their own free will."

The prowling being eyed the 'flowers', and he thought that they were very beautiful.

The objects and the girl, they were very beautiful.

Somewhere along the outskirts of town.

On their own free will.


He skirted out of the void, and, the task of dragging this girl to darkness long lost, followed the scent that beckoned him to live.

"What is your name?"

"Chera. I'm Chera."

Chera was beautiful. Her pale skin shone in the dark of the town that enclosed her overwhelming potential, that kept her large wings in check.

Even so, she always smiled.

"Hey, since you don't really have a name, I'll call you Oddman."

"Odd... man? Why?"

She giggled, the fireflies dancing around her like a thousand lanterns.

"Because you're a man. And you're really odd!"

All wariness forgotten as he eyed the silhouette of an innocent existence, the stain of the plague unworthy of her skin, Oddman embraced the world and brought the void to a recluse.

She always smiled.

"What happened?"

But the people around her - no - the evil entities around her that sneered and snorted in her wake, took her smile away.

Even if it were momentarily, Oddman didn't want to see Chera's joy in a concave pattern.

"Nothing, really. Just the everyday plight of a dirty street kid."

She still beamed.

"I see. If you are having trouble, feel free to confide in--"

He couldn't say it.

He dragged everyone who breathed negativity around Chera, into the void, into the darkness, destroying the balance that the count of time had willed to maintain.

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