Chapter 19

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Third person POV

Once they reached the hospital Eren jumped out of the van when they lowered the gurney Levi was laying on. He ran with the nurses still holding his hand. They tried to tell him he wasn't aloud to go inside with Levi but he stood his ground.

Why are you doing this? Weren't you the one who said that he meant nothing to you?

He stopped yelling and looked at the nurse with teary eyes. His hand slipped out of Levi's as they took him away. Eren collapsed and cried into his hands. He started laughing while he cried. He punched the floor and the nurse pulled him to take him to a private room. He sat on the couch in the break room for doctor's and kept crying.

"Why? Why does it have to be so fucking hard?!"

He got up and punched the wall but thankfully he didn't punch it to the point where there was a dent. He put his forehead on the wall and cried. He kept repeating the words "I'm sorry" as he silently cried. He stayed in the room and slept there for the rest of the night. The nurse can in and covered him with a blanket.

She had strawberry colored hair that went up to her shoulders added with semi-long bangs behind her ear. She had a kind aura around her everywhere she went. Unfortunately she knew what it felt like to be close to losing the one you love. Her future husband arouo was involved in a car crash and was at the brink of death. Thankfully, with the help of her childhood friend eld who performed the surgery managed to save him.

She smiled sadly at Eren's sleeping body and whispered a good night. She left the room and made a note on the door saying that someone was asleep at the moment. She heard her name being called and it was arouo holding a bouquet of roses and she smelled them while smiling. They hugged and made their way outside the hospital since her shift was over.

She saw one of the doctor's that were helping Levi and pulled their arm. She told him to take care of Levi for Eren and to make sure that he doesn't give up. The doctor named Gunther which was also her childhood friend nodded and left to keep treating Levi. They left and Petra silently prayed for Levi to be safe.

Gunther opened the door to Levi's room and checked his condition. His heart rate was low but not low enough that he wouldn't make it. He told the nurses to get the defibrillator ready so they could his heart pumping again. Meanwhile they used a respiratory machine to give him oxygen.

He talked to Levi's unconscious body and told him that he needed to stay alive for his lover. The nurses brought the defibrillator and poured gel onto one of the panels. They rubbed the panels together and hovered it over Levi's chest. Once the machine let out a high pitched sound they yelled out "clear" and placed it on Levi. The friction had caused his whole body to go up suddenly.

To Gunther's surprise Levi's heart rate went up right after the first pump. He whispered a "yes" and smiled widely at Levi. He said "good job" and the nurses left to put the defibrillator away. He sighed contently and walked out of the room. He closed the door after looking back at Levi.

After closing the door he walked to the break room and saw the note Petra had wrote. He chuckled and opened the door anyway. He saw Eren sleeping on the couch with red under his eyes from crying. Once he walked up to him he kneeled down to Eren's length. He shook him lightly and Eren growled lowly which confused Gunther at first but he thought it was maybe he didn't want to be awoken.

He kept shaking him lightly until Eren growled and groaned while waking up. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the doctor. He said "what?" and Gunther explained the recent events which caused Eren to widen his eyes. He quickly got up and dashed to Levi's room after saying a fast "thank you" to Gunther. When he opened the door to Levi's room he started crying tears of joy.

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