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Hey guys, it's pinkky. Im not a very good writer so excuse if this is really bad but I just had some ideas and wanted to make a book I hope you somewhat enjoy.


Chapter one

I'm confused, I have utterly and shockingly never been this confused in my life.

When in hell am I ever going to need to Find all rational zeros of P(x) = x3 - 7x + 6. 

What the heck does that even mean ughhh I hate algebra, not dislike I mean HATE. What possessed me into taking this course anyways oh yeah, my apparent "queen bee" mother who makes every decision in my life.

I can hear her now 'Alexis, sweetheart to achieve anything in life you need all the subjects that matter' if I told her I wanted nothing to do with the white collar jobs or even anything having to do with school she'd probably drop dead.

The only reason I made honour roll for the past three years is because of my tutor Jason he's my age, and my neighbour, my friend and has been my tutor for three years straight.

My mom pays him a bunch being the mayor and all it's like money grows on trees for her but I really need to make my own Monday and get a job

I stare at the board now frustrated that all I see is a board full of chalk with letters and numbers literally everywhere from left to right and top to bottom that I don't understand like at all. Jason's good at this stuff he will help me, I know he'll help me I don't know why I'm stressing out.

I grab another piece of paper out of my binder and do what I do best, I start scribbling lyrics, its what I do for fun, or as a coping method and hopefully someday my career.

I want to be a singer/songwriter I don't know if I'm any good, the only other living things that's heard me sing is my dog chipmunk(don't ask I was 10), Jason and my best friend journey.

Journeys been with me since the 5th grade, it's just been me and her. Okay, well we had other friends but they would come and go.

You really learn as you get older you were only friends with people because you would see them 5 days a week for 6 hours, it's sad but the truth, sad truth. They were temporary but me and journey are forever.

My phone starts to ring, shit not again.

"Miss hearty, that is probably the 7th time this week you have interrupted my class with another phone call" my teacher mr. Whatever his name is I call him sir anyways so it doesn't seem important to know.

All eyes are now on me, Have people ever heard of it's not nice to stare I want to jab them in the eyes with my pencil.

I hear giggling wishing i could shut old miss blondie locks behind me up without spending a night in the slanmer.

"Sorry sir it's just my dad" I plead.

I feel if they stare any harder they'll burn holes straight through my cheeks, or is that them just heating up.

I hate being the centre of attention I feel weird and very uncomfortable, my cheeks get really red and I start babbling like an idiot and sometimes even bitting my nails.

"Tell mr.hearty to call you after class" Mr. Jefferson says, ha funny I now remember his name.

With that I nod and carry on with my lyric scribbling down some aggressive sentences, I plug my headphones into my phone and start matching the lyrics with beats I made at home.

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