eyes to look

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"What can't I compliment my girl?" He said quite loudly, as I opened up the schools doors earning a few glares of pure hate from girls watching me and hunter walk in together.

"Pretend like we don't know eachother" I whispered moving away from him walking a little more faster holding my head down.

He quickly ran up to me laughing but also looking concerned "wait up lex, why?" He grabbed my arm as it slipped a little causing me to trip a little and come to a stop.

"I don't know, I feel as if we keep talking at this very moment I will be murdered by half the female school population" i paused grabbing his arm and pulling him into the nearest washroom.

"Sooo what your saying is what happened last night I'm just supposed to forget? Are you going to forget?" He said a little curiously.

"Uh...I... Hunter, I thought" I stammered face palming myself.

"Well Whatever you thought was obviously wrong, I actually genuinely like you... not because of last night Alexis just you're cool and good argument partner" he nudge me causing me to laugh. "And for the people out there.. who cares! They have eyes to look and we have minds to ignore so come on!" He quickly grabbed me by arm pulling me out the washroom then putting a hand over my shoulders.

"Hunter," I stuttered looking at the floor as we walked to my locker.. our locker. I could feel him looking at me "You do know this doesn't mean we're dating right?" I stammered out.

He didn't answer as we got to the locker he moved his hand from around me and opened the locker. I leaned on the locker beside mine and stared at him as his jaw was clenched he looked angry. Shit.

"Hunter" I half whispered as he passed me my books making eye contact with me and then looking away.

"Hunter" I repeated.

He then finally looked at me and I was about to speak but then the bell rang. He placed his books in one hand and moved in closer to me as i held my breath.

He was making dead on eye contact as I did the same his eyes, they are so beautiful, amazing, gorgeous.

He grabbed my chin with his free hand and titled my head upwards and moved in towards me and planted a soft kiss on my lips and pulled away too fast.

I probably was flushed red he smiled making me look down and smile to myself. I bit my bottom lip as his hand touched my face again lifting my chin up and his thump swiping over my bottom lip as we made eye contact.

"How am I supposed to keep it PG when you do that?"Hunter said smirking referring to my biting of my lip.

"Sorry" I said looking at the floor.

"I'll see you at lunch okay?" He said walking backwards as I shook my head.

"OKAY?" He said louder because I was further away now.

"Okay" I said laughing loud enough for him to hear me.

I looked at the time countdown, shit. 46 seconds to get to class.

I ran with all my might until I suddenly collided with someone. "Fuck" I said very loudly as all my books dropped to the floor but somehow I was balanced.

A tanned male with dirty blonde hair was holding me up from falling he looked worry. His eyes were light I couldn't exactly tell what colour they were.

"Shit, uh I'm sorry, are you okay?" He said standing me up as I got up and he let go of me and smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine just in a rush sorry for bumping into you" I quickly said reaching down to grab my books but the guy grabbed them before me.

"Here.. and no, no my bad sorry" he shoved the books toward me and smiled as I took them.

"Thanks, And it's okay" I shrugged looking at him then at the clock. "Shit, I'm so late" I meant to say to myself but said out loud.

"Oh sorry again" he repeated again.

"Okay stop apologizing" I laughed causing him too laugh.

"Okay so- I mean okay," he laughed as I pushed a piece of loose hair behind my ear. "Uh I know your late and stuff but I just need help finding my class I'll clear your late" He asked looking shyly but still dead in the eye.

"Clear my late? What are you the principals son" I laughed to myself thinking I was making a joke but he just stared at me blankly. "It's a joke?" I said face palming myself.

"Uh kinda, I just transferred here because my dad wanted me to suddenly go to the school that he works at and you know etc." He said awkwardly.

"Wow. Mr.Alvarrez's son pretty cool, he's uh cool" I stuttered trying to compliment his father for the reason I don't even know.

"You don't have to lie" he laughed as so did I and he passed me a paper with his classes.

"Hey we have english together and science and lunch" I said reading the paper smiling towards him.

"Great, at least I'll see a familiar face, what's your name?" he smiled as I walked in front of him and he followed.

"Alexis, and you are?" I said.

"Jay" He said.

I walked into the classroom as miss.stutchie was teaching a lesson.

I opened my mouth to talk but a grin quickly appeared on her face. Was she smiling at me? She's happy because I'm late?

She strides to where I'm standing and walks right up to me "excuse me alexis" she waves her hand as I move over a little and she hugs jay.

What the actual fuck. "Class this is our new student Jay, make him feel very comfortable here at our school alright." She giggles very girly, is she trying to flirt with jay. I laugh to myself which earns me a death glare from her as I snicker some more and go to my seat.

Jay just stared at me sitting down mouthing "what's wrong with them" to me and I laugh quietly and shrug.

I look around the room and when I tell you literally every girl I mean dead ass emo, nerdy, popular, badass, normal all  the kinds of stereotypical highschool girls mouths were dropped opened half with drool others batting there eyes and waving to jay at the front of the class.

He quickly came and sat in an open desk behind me and all eyes followed even miss.stutchies until she snapped out of it and slapped the desk with her ruler and went back on with the lesson.

"Should I be worried? What's wrong with them they literally turned into fucking sexual zombies" he whispered in my ear making me laugh as I covered my mouth and turned around.

"I think maybe the fact that your A. Extremely good looking and B. You're the new toy, guy at school" I laughed.

"So I'm good looking? well to you extremely good looking?" He raised and eyebrow and smirked.

"Shut up or you can eat your first day lunch alone" I mumbled and turned around as I heard jay giggle.

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