Okay hunter

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Last night after my crying incident me and hunter made up.

Well I wouldn't really say made up there is still so much to fix. The fact he kissed another girl in front of me. I basically dry humped Anthony. We told eachother we loved eachother.

And the growing problem here. His possessiveness and pride.

But I thought it over and maybe I should loosen up a bit. I was his first real relationship, and I guess he's used to getting what he wants so when he claimed me as his with out actually telling me. He probably thought he hadn't have too.

Some people do say labels do ruin everything most times.

We made love. And I more than ever still want him to bend me over and tell me he loves me a million and one times

"Shit" hunter breathed sliding off the used condom and tossing it beside his bed.

"Well that was fun" I breathed staring at hunters bedroom ceiling "your room smells like sex"

"Does it?" He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls my naked body over his "Baby, I've missed you so much. I missed having you in my arms. The way you talked, the way your skin felt along mine, the way your pussy"

I felt my goosebumps all over my skin the way he was looking at me and rubbing his hands around my waist

"Okay okay hunter" I giggled as I laid my head on his chest, my hand outlining his abs unconsciously farthing down to his V-line "I missed you too" I whispered but he could hear me, as my eyes flutter shut.

He moved my hand from his v-line and kissed my forehead "unless you want round three keep your hands to yourself" he said as I imagine him smirking.

"Okay, Hunter" I said yawning slowly falling asleep but throwing my hand on hunters face playing with the outlining of his jaw.

His skin was so smooth

"It's 4Am time for sleep" he murmured "I love you"

* * * *

I woke up too the light hitting my face once again, unfortunately hunter was gone.

I looked down expecting to be naked but instead I was wearing one of hunters large black shirts

Good fucking thing because next thing you know there's some lady sitting down next to me smiling.

"Uh hi" I say standing up frantically

"I'm sherry, it so good to final meet you, you're more good looking than my grandson had described you. He talks a lot Bout you. I'm his grandmother. Oh shit. Did I scare you? I was just coming in to clean his room but noticed you were here. Hunter never brings people home. Especially for sleepovers. But im sure you had a little more fun am I right" she said winking, the 50 year old woman standing in front of me literally winked at me for having sex with her grandson.

Ok? Wait grandma!

"Hi I'm Alexis, sorry for just coming over unannounced and no, yes, okay, and no answer. Sorry mam if you don't mind me asking how old are you? I know it's very rude but I mean this in the best way possible you don't look a day over 50." I blurted as sherry started laughing

"73 and counting. Now your Prince Charming is downstairs making breakfast of some sort. If anything is burnt just come too me, I'll make you gourmet"  she smiled heading toward hunters room door

"Thank you for having me sherry, nice meeting you" I smiled as she walked out the door.

What the actual fucking fuck?

I searched through a bunch of hunters drawers before I found pyjama shorts, or boxers of some sort.

Hunter was lean and built so I might be able too fit into his pants

I quickly slid them on and made my way quietly down Sherry's stairs.

They had a nice little home, I wondered if it was sherry and him

I walked around the downstairs floor of the house still not having found the kitchen when I spotted a picture of hunter on the wall holding his grandmas shoulders.

He was all dressed up and fancy

So cute

"If being with you means I get to wake up to you wearing my clothes and messy hair count me in" hunters arms slid around my waist as he pulled me toward him and kissed the back of my neck

"You smell so good" he breathed as I turned around smiling

"You're such a fucking dog" I snickered pecking his lips

"Is it weird that I find your morning breath sexy?" He asked raising a brow

"Is that my cue too go brush my teeth?" I giggled pulling away from him as he just pulled me more into him

"Nope, time for food. Than you deal with your hygiene" he led me to the kitchen placing me on top of the counter as I watched him cut more fruit

"I didn't know you cook?" I laughed as he was struggling to cut the strawberries.

"I don't" he groaned still struggling to cut the top off

"Let me help" I jumped off the counter snatching the knife out his hand "did you wash them" he shook his head hoping on top of the counter

Dumbass I mumbled

I washed all the fruit before cutting them into pieces and placing them into the bowl

Hunter slapped the counter top as my head snapped up to him and he just smirked

"What's wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows at his amusement of whatever he fuck

"You're just so god damn perfect" he said with a huge smile on his face that made my heart leap out of his chest. "I am never leaving you again. I'm going to treat you like the queen you are. Breakfast went to shit cause I can't cook but let's go on a date? Wait fuck that, lets spend the whole weekend together,just you and me"

He seemed so happy. I forgot why we even fought in the first place.

"Hunter that sounds amazing" I smiled at him as he engulfed me in a hug

"Alexis I think you're one of the best things that ever happened to me"

And he was the best thing that happened to me.

I grabbed his face in my hands and started making out with him slowly but passionately, he slid his tongue across my lips as I parted them for him as he took control.

I pulled back a few seconds later to catch my breath as we just rested our foreheads on eachothers.

"Hunter" I whispered

"Yeah, Baby?"

"Your grandma sherry is pretty cool"

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