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He smiled on my neck saying things here and there but I couldn't make out because of my heart and breathing.

He let go of my hands so I quickly found my way to his abs moaning at the feeling of them rock hard and beautiful as ever I wanted to lick them. He pulled on the bottom of my shirt signalling for me take it off.

I sat up hunter getting off of me and sitting up taking off my shirt. As soon as it was off his eyes darted to my chest then back at me. He pushed me down lightly on the bed making me laugh as he tickled my neck with his breath.

"What So funny?" He said stopping to look at me.

"It.. it's just tickles" I smiled at him making him smile as well.

"Well this might tickle a little more" he said grinning bringing both hands behind my back and undoing my bra and taking it off me.

He quickly grabbed his hands placing one on both of my breast and squeezing them together.

He moved in closer and kissed my lips then went to my neck then my chest and when he finally hit my breast my back arched.

He sent goose bumps spiralling all through my body as I moaned wrapping my legs around his waist as my eyes fluttered Shut and his mouth travelled all down my stomach.

He pulled on my pants and I wanted him at the moment more the ever as he teased kissing my thigh and hips still clothed.

He pulled down my pants and I quickly shook them off from around My ankles.

within seconds he went back to teasing me kissing the inside of my thighs making me moan.

"You're so sexy" he moaned into my legs, making me quiver.

He ran his hand over my stomach and breast once more and kissed his way back up to my lips.

We kissed intensely my hands rubbing all through his hair and his hands beside both sides of my face holding himself up.

"I want you" I whispered as he kissed my neck.

"Mhm," he moaned on my neck.

"No seriously, I want you, I want you to fuck me" I said grabbing his face from neck and hovering it above mine. Both of my hands on both sides of his face.

"You sure?" He started to smirk as I nodded biting my bottom lip.

"Fuck," he growled kissing me again harder then before. Before he let go he sucked on my bottom lip a little longer making me moan. "What are you doing to me Alexis" he said moaning my name, looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes, smirking making me want to just be closer to him but if we got any closer we'd probably turn into one.

He rubbed his thumb across my bottom lip as I moved in closer to kiss him but he moved back smiling.

He sucked on my neck probably leaving hickeys everywhere. He ran his hand down my chest and stomach. Then he started rubbing my part through my panties making me arch my back and moan loudly.

"You're so sexy" he said kissing my neck and whispering in my ear while rubbing my slit some more.

He took off my underwear and slid his hand onto my clit rubbing slowly while still kissing my neck.

"Take them off" Hunter said deeply getting off of me and standing up.

I took off my underwear as he took them from me and threw it aggressively  at the ground making me smile.

He smirked at me while he unbuckled his jean belt and tried unbuttoning his button from the jeans but it wasn't working so he kept playing with it.

I quickly darted my eyes too his pants biting my bottom lip.

"Don't do that," he said with his jeans still up walking over to me and rubbing his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Ok" I mumbled looking down at my naked thighs. Tapping my foot for him to hurry up and get ready.

"Hunter come here" I laughed pulling his arm so that her would come towards me.

I stood him in front of me and used both my hands to unbutton his pants. I untbottened them and looked back at him smirking at me.

"What?" I asked still butt naked and got some reason not feeling any ways of self consciousness.

"You're Just beautiful, alexis" He said rubbing his hand across my cheek as I blushed.

"Don't say things you're going to regret in the morning" I said grabbing his hand on my face and holding it in mine on my knee.

"I won't regret it.. it's the truth" he smirked.

He backed up a bit and slid off his jeans showing his black CK boxers. I looked him up and down his glisten blue eyes, sharp jaw, rippling abs and that sexy ass V-line.

I bit my lip once more as he walked slowly towards me his eyes darker and brooding. I felt a bit scared and moved back on the bed a little making him crawl towards me on the bed pushing me down by my shoulder.

"What did I tell you about that" he said leaning over me whispering in my ear as he rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip.

"Sorry" I mumbled shivering at his breath on my bare skin.

"I like this," he said kissing my neck and moving down on my stomach. "I like the nervous, sexy, vulnerable you" he said I felt him smiling on my belly button.

He slid his fingers on my vagina and rubbing my clit bringing his face back to my neck

"Hunter" I moaned as I arched my back glittering my eyes shut.

I guess It turned him on as he slid one finger into me and then another.

"Fuck" he groaned on my neck mumbling other things that I couldn't hear.

He went faster and faster and faster sending me into total seizure mode.

I started quivering and shaking really badly.

"Right there, h..h.. hunter oh my god I'm gon..gonna" I said shaking fast until I felt a pleasure of relief exit my body and I suddenly started screaming but feeling hinters hand over my mouth.

"Shhh your mom" he moaned in my neck.

my body went dead and my eyes closed as I shoke.

Hunter didn't stop he kept going until I sat up trying my best to get away from him because my body couldn't take anymore I smiled while doing so.

He moved closer to me with a concerned look on his face. I sat up crossing my legs as he reached for my hands placing them on my lap.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked looking at me in the eyes I smiled a shy smile shaking my head no.

"Good, I enjoyed myself" he said licking his fingers I assumed that he fingered me with grinning.

"No, I enjoyed my self" I said suddenly getting brave and crawling towards him as his eyes widen. "Round two?" I said now wrapping my naked body in front of him rubbing my hand through his hair kissing his neck.

"You sure?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I smiled and pushed him down on the bed moving in closer to his ear kissing all along his jaw. I moved my hand over his abs to his boxers rubbing my hand over his .. as he started to moan making me smile that I made him moan.

"Fuck Alexis" he moaned as I squeezed it a little bit.

"Shh just enjoy" I whispered placing my pointer finger over his mouth and kissed his lips then moved to his abs licking them up and down.

When I got to the boxers I quickly took them off, biting my bottom lip. I then went back to his abs licking them until I got to the start of his penis. I hovered over it breathing heavy making hunter get up a little. And so I started.

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