Chapter Twenty - Part One

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Chapter Twenty

James’ POV

“What’s wrong?” I asked Sophia.  We were driving to my parent’s house now.   We had a great afternoon shopping for her dress, I even bought her some silver strappy heels that are going to look amazing on her.   I convinced Mr. C to let Sophia come over for dinner, which I think by the way, is a ridiculous rule.  I knew he couldn’t say no to me, my Dad is her doctor and he’s known Sophia since she was thirteen.  This was one of his rules that he had to either get rid of or break every once in a while.

“Nothing,” she replied, her voice shaking a bit.  I knew she was lying, I was holding her hand and it was clammy.   Her face was pale to and she wasn’t her usual talkative self.

“What are you worried about?” I asked her, kissing her hand now.  “Are you worried about meeting my Mom or eating?”  

“No,” she said quietly, her voice wavering.   We weren’t quite at my house yet but I decided to pull over.  I need to find out what was wrong before I brought her home.  She was clearly upset about something and I didn’t want her getting sick or even making herself sick for that matter.

I stopped the car and shut off the engine.   The look I saw on her face now was fear and it was upsetting me.   “Sophia,” I called her softly.  I took the hand that I had and was rubbing circles on it.   “Look over at me please.”   When she turned to look at me, I knew she was worse than I thought.   He eyes were full of unshed tears, her cheeks were pale and her hand started trembling.   

“Talk to me Sophia,” I pleaded with her.   “I’ll take you home if you want, I didn’t realize this would upset you so much.”  I could tell she wanted to tell me, she wanted to say something to me but she couldn’t form the words.   So I decided to help her out.

“You know my Dad, you met my sister in school, it’s only my Mom,” I said calmly to her.  “Are you nervous about meeting her?”

“A little,” she whispered, turning her face from me.

“She’ll love you Sophia, you don’t have to worry,” I told her sliding across my seat getting closer to her.   I pulled her as much as I could into my arms, the gear shift was in the way, but I still had my arms around her.  I just felt her nod her answer to me.   I kissed her head now and squeezed her a bit tightly to show her that I understood.   “Are you worried about being blind?  Because if you are, she knows.  I told her,” I said hoping that would sooth her a bit.   That was one of her huge obstacles, what held her back the most when I wanted to first start to date her.  That she was blind and wasn’t good enough for me.

“She knows?” she quietly asked me.  Did she think that I wouldn’t tell her?

“Yes, she does.  She also knows that you’re my Dad’s patient, I even asked her to make something unusual for dinner tonight,” I told her.   My Mom put up a huge fuss when I asked her, but in the end, she agreed to it.

Her head perked up now, her beautiful eyes looking at me with wonder.   “You asked her to make something just for me?” Sophia asked me looking confused.

“Of course I did, I definitely don’t want you upset having dinner at my house.  Guess what I asked my Mom to make?” I teased her trying to lighten her mood.

I got a shy smile out of her now, there’s my girl...”What?” she said.

“Burgers!” I grinned giving her another squeeze.

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