Chapter Six

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Eye opening chapter!!!  Enjoy!  Don't forget to VOTE and please comment....let me know if you are liking it or not!!!     S   xo

------------------------------------PIcture of Andy---------------------------------------->

Chapter Six

James’ POV


A few weeks have gone by and it’s Friday afternoon, first football game of the season tonight.   I’m nervous, we are playing a rival school and they are really good.  I need to step up my A game tonight, stay focused and get my boys into the end zone and get some touch downs.

My Mom, Dad and sister were already in the stands when I noticed my Dad get up and shake hands with someone.   Then I noticed the twins, my Dad was shaking hands with their father.   I nudged Matt in the ribs and pointed out Isobel to him.  I don’t think that I’ve ever seen my friend smile as much as he has these last few weeks.   Matt and Isobel are good together, I never thought that I would say this, but she’s great for him.

“Come up and say hi,” I motioned to Matt as I started to walk off the field.  The game wasn’t going to start for another 20 minutes, so we had plenty of time.

“I don’t think so,” Matt told me shaking his head.  “I can see Isobel’s father there, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Well then come up and say hi to my parents and then you can casually say hi to the girls,” I suggested to him walking backwards.

“Okay,” he grinned and shrugged.  

We ran the rest of the way up the bleachers.   We greeted my parents first, my sister was batting her eyelashes at Matt.  I just rolled my eyes at that.   I turned towards the Connelly’s now.

“Mr. Connelly, it’s nice to see you again,” I said as I put out my hand.   Sophia was standing beside her Dad, her hand in his.   She had this adorable grin on her face.  

“James,” Josh said shaking my hand.  “Good to see you as well.   Are we going to win tonight?”

“I hope so,” I chuckled out.  “Although our competition tonight is our biggest rival, so it’s going to be tough.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine,” Josh grinned.

“Mr. Connelly,” I said as I turned towards Matt now.  “This is one of my good friends Matt, he’s one of the running backs. “ I told Josh.   “Matt....this is Sophia and Isobel’s Father, Joshua Connelly.”   I was hoping to make introductions, maybe if the Connelly’s got to know Matt and liked him, they wouldn’t object to him dating Isobel.  I could see from the corner of my eye that Isobel was really nervous.  She was blushing and biting her bottom lip.  I felt bad for her, for Matt as well not being able to hug or get a kiss from his girlfriend.

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