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AN: Been a while since I written stories but I been writing but haven't been posting lol but here's finally another story XD
I am in this story too XD not using my real name. My name shall be Emily since my mom wanted to name me that but who cares about that lets get on with the story, shall we?

 Your Pov

 8:00am. Late again for school, since I woke up so late I missed the bus and now I have to walk. Luckily it's not winter but's it's getting there. Watching the colorful leaves start to fall as I walk. Finally made it school I head into my roll call which is my rude science teacher. 

"Ms. (L/N), late again I see, third time in a row." She says as I hand her my pass, I head to my seat and put my head down till second period. As soon as I hear the bell I head to my next class. 


The day goes on and finally my last period is over. I head to my bus but noticed I was being followed. I turn around and see the group of girls and they had this delvish chuckle. I had to run not to my bus but home if I go on the bus I will be trapped, nothing can ever stop them not even a bus driver. I run feeling my checks burn against the fall breeze. What's worse about this is I have no one, no one to protect me, no one to run to. I am alone, I'm surprised I'm able to keep my apartment and buy enough food.

   I still hear the girls screaming at me catching up  towards me that's when i slip on  a bunch of leaves from the rain and fall against the hard wet ground. Then at that moment I hear deathly screams, I heard beating and stabbing to no end, why would someone kill these girl right out in public. I get up fast at my feet and turn around and see nothing but a faint shadow of a tall man and see the bloody scene. I know I hated those girls but I never thought it would end this way hearing a bloody crime scene behind me. Was it that tall shadow man I see in my home, stalking me all the darn time? All I can say is it shouldn't of ended like this, but what can I do. 
 The street was quite after the scene all I can hear was sirens. 


Finally I'm home and just have a bowl of cereal and turn on the tv news. 
  "Four teens killed right out in public-----" As the reporter says the crime scene I feel depressed, why is my life like this can I have loving  family like 95% of the population does. I used to at least my parents divorced when I was four and my mother took care of me till she passed away from cancer last year. Oh how I miss her so, her loving smile, her cheerful laugh, and sparkling eyes.
  Suddenly my phone rings and I jump back into reality and see it was my best friend calling. I pick up. 

   "Hey! Did you hear about the crime scene about those flippen girls." (Friends Name) says really quickly. "Uh yeah, I was there and to be honest I uhhh well, they chased after me and all of sudden when I fell this really tall man and I mean really tall man killed them but I only saw his shadow because, well I fell. But I feel like it was my fault this happened if I hadn't run  andthis shadow that keeps following me around would never have killed them but then again I don't know" I ramble. 
   "Giirrrrllll, pull your self together there's no way that there's a tall shadowy man falling you. Your imaging things." 
  " But there is (F/N) !!!!!" My voice cracks.  "Alright, whatever is going on I will help you through it, I really wish I can take you in my house but my mom has to take care of four kids and well life for her is really hard, but hey sorry I wasn't in school today I promise I will be there the rest of the week." 
   "Ok, well see you tomorrow." I sigh. " Love you girl." She hangs up. I noticed it was getting late and it was time for bed. Finally my favorite time of the day or evening.  I shower and brush my teeth, and head under my covers and sleep. 

AN: Sorry if this is poor written I tried my best it's been about 2 years since I wrote so I really tried to remember. Anyways Hope you liked XD

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