Freshman year

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( ok before we get into the story I just Want to say Stokelely is Hayley's crush Soo don't. Be confused. Also sorry for my lack of grammar.)
(Btw I'm violet)

*Hayley wakes up* *Hayley yawns*
Hayley: First Day of Freshman year
*Hayley walks downstairs*
Hayley's Mom: Are you exited?
Hayley: Yeah
Hayden: Yeah to meet boys *Hayden laughs*
(Hayden is Hayley's brother in the story)
*Hayley kicks Hayden in the leg*
Hayden: Ow
Hayley: Ha
Hayley's dad: Stop it the both of you
*After Breakfast*
*Hayley texts Violet- I'm coming on the bus rn
*Violet replies- Mk
*They get on the bus*
Annoying kid in bus: Girl you are looking fine ;)
Violet: Ohh wtf Did you just say
Annoying kid in bus: I wasn't talkin to you
Violet: Yeah Ik
Hayley: Well I don't like you.
Annoying kid: :(
*Bus Arrives at High School*
Violet: I'm gonna head to class I'll meet you there
Hayley: Ok
*Hayley Bumps into someone*
Stokeley: Oh I'm s-
*Stokeley looks up and sees Hayley*
*They both stare at each other*
*Bell rings*
Hayley: I-i Gotta go to class
Stokeley: Ok Cal-
*Stokeley slaps his forehead*
Brandon: Real smooth
(Brandon is Hayley's friend)
Stokeley: Stfu Brandon
Brandon: Make me
*Stokeley about to punch Brandon*
*Red pulls them Apart*
Red: Hey guys stop!
(Red is a girl and Hayley's friend)
*They all get to class*
Violet: What took you so long?
Hayley: I was uh-
Violet: -Distracted?
Hayley: ._.
Violet: I'll take that as a yes

*Teacher hands out homework*
*Hayley catch's something in the corner of her eye*
Hayley: Hmm..
Badolf: Hey guys sorry I'm late
(Hayley's friend that I hate)
*Bell rings*
*We head to our second class*
*Before Hayley enters the class room Stokeley stops her*
Stokeley: Hey I didn't catch your name
Hayley: Oh uh- I'm Hayley
Stokeley: That's a really pretty name
*Hayley blushes a little*
Hayley: What about you?
Stokeley: Im stokeley
Hayley: That's a unique name
Stokeley: Thanks
*Stokeley scratches the back of his head*
*Violet walks out the class room*
Violet: Uhh are you coming in or are you having a flirt fest?
Hayley: @-@
Hayley: I'm gonna go in cla-
*Bell rings*
Hayley: Great now I missed second period
Stokeley: Hayley I'm so sorry
*Brandon walks over to Stokeley*
Brandon: nice
Stokeley: Oh like you can do better
Brandon: Wanna make a bet?
Stokeley: Sure what's the bet?
Brandon: If I can get a girlfriend before you can get Hayley to go on a date with you, you have to kiss a guy AND post it.
Stokeley: And if you lose you Gotta dump a bucket of dirt on Hayley's friend
Brandon: Witch one?
Stokeley: Idk I think her name starts with a "V"?
Brandon: It's game!
*They shake on it*
* All of them are in third period*
Zay: Hey red wanna get some frozen yogurt after school?
(Zay is some random guy who likes red A LOT)
Red: Umm no thanks I think I'll pass
Zay: oh ok.
Hayley: Psst Red
Red: yeah?
Hayley:  I think I seen your sister out of class
Red: Ugh
Angela: Mom and dad said you got to Come with me to the mall after school
Red: Why do you want me to go?
Angela: Ugh I don't but mom and dad is making me
Red: fine
Angela: Biye
(I spelt it like that on purpose)
*Angela mumbles under her breath "lame"*
*Bell rings*
*Principal uses speaker from her office to make an announcement*
Principal: Attention Attention Today there will be pasta in the cafeteria today!
*Everyone at same time: Woo*
*Everyone goes to the cafeteria*
*Violet Red and Haley sit at the same table*
*Stokeley and Brandon sit at another table*
Hayley: he's soo hot
Red: lol
Hayley: Vi why are you so quite
Violet: Oh uh I'm just Looking at memes
Hayley: "Memes"
Violet: Well what do you think I'm looking at?
Hayley:Hmm idk Lol
*Shows Hayley phone*
Violet: told you.
*At Stokeley's table*
Stokeley: Hayley is so gorgeous
Brandon: So wen are you gonna ask her out?
Stokeley: Friday, And that's how long you have until I win the bet
Brandon: You ain't winning nothing
Stokeley: Yeah right
*Brandon sees a Flawless girl walk in the cafeteria*
*Brandon stares at her*
Stokeley: Earth to Brandon
*Stokeley waves in his face*
Brandon: Oh uh I must have zoned out for a sec
*Bell rings*
Red: I Think it's music Class
*They all go to music Class*
*Red raises her hand*
Music Teacher: Yes, Red?
Red: Can I sing?
Music Teacher: Yes
*Red Starts singing Amazing*
Violet: Wow she has an amazing voice
Hayley: Ikr
*Red stops singing*
Red: Thanks guys!
*The girl Brandon likes starts singing*
Brandon: She's so amazing
Stokeley: Seriously?
Brandon: yea seriously
Hayley: Vi
Violet: Yeah
Hayley: Do you wanna have a sleepover at my house tonight
Violet: ;O; Yas
Hayley: What about you red?
Red: I'll have to come there at night i gotta go with my annoying older sister to the mall after school.
Violet: ugh :/
*Bell rings*
Principal: Attenion Attention I have an announcement Prom will be on Friday!
Hayley: Yes!!!
Violet: Ugh nooo
Red: ._.
Stokeley: YES!!!
Brandon: ;O; Best day of my life
*School has ended for the day!*

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