A sleep over!?

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Chapter 3

(damien's POV)

I woke up to a garbage truck. Even after my horrible wake up call i shot down the hallway to the shower and jumped in quickley scrubbing myself everywhere and smiled washing my hair. I'll ask him today. I'm just scared of his answers. Yes i have two questions and hopefully he agrees to my ridiculous offers. I rinsed my hair and blow dried it and straighted it. i pulled a beanie on and wrapped a towel around my waist. I came out of the bathroom and heard a knock at the door. Oh yes the one friend i have down here, Seven, well thats not his real name but thats wat i call him. He's huge! A couple inches bigger that me. i think hes like 6'9 but calling him seven is funny plus it sticks and he likes it. I walked to the door and opened it knowing he was there. He had dark brown hair and he moved here a couple weeks ago close to when i moved.

"Hey neighbor," he smiled warmly "take me to school...please?" I sighed

"Yea i can take you as long as you have a ride home jolly green giant!" He nodded quickly and i giggled  turning realizing i still had a towel around my waist. I walked to my room grabbing boxers and pants pulling them on.

"hey seven close the door when you come in!" I heard the door close and him plop on the couch

"hey idiot hurry up or we'll be late!" he huffed in a pouty tone. I couldnt help but smile. His personality was so adorable for such a big man. I stepped out of my room pulling on a white v-neck shirt and looked up at him.

"Are you seriously falling asleep?" his eyes slid open to pout at me and give me a flirty smile. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my leather jacket pulling it on.

"get your ass up we're leaving!" i smiled at him as he stuck his tongue out childishly. I forgot he had a tongue piercing. On top of that it was rainbow to match his grey shirt, leather pants and colourful shoes i think behind all those cartoon characters were white converse. He wore rainbow gauges that swirled, i like those alot! He rose to his feet and stretched following me to my car. We slid in the comfy seats and i drove to school with seven poking at me and teasing about my new crush...i didn't even tell him he just figured out and assumed he was right. when we got there he hopped out and ran to the sidewalk and sat waiting for the silly boy that looks at him all the time.

"hey.." i jumped turning around slowly at the small voice. It was a girl she smiled at me and pointed to seven. I shruged and glanced back at her. She was glaring now.

"He made my brother into a fag!" i was startled by her strong tone and jumped a little.

"um....do you not like homosexuals?" curioisity filled me. seven doesn't have a boyfriend but i guess her brother is the shy boy that always stares at seven.

"No their weird! I don't want my brother around him!" I simply stopped talking and smiled at her for a moment, turned my heel and walked to seven.

"Are you dating that boy?" i pointed to the corner where a short boy, taller then kaden by a couple inches, had his head poking around the corner and his bright blue eyes locked on seven.

"No...but i wish i was!" seven grinned and looked at him right as the boy's head disappeared and seven frowed.

"He's real cute huh?" seven took out a cigarette and lit it. I stopped that awhile ago so it annoyed me that he did it. He stood and i saw the boy's head appear again and seven smiled looking at me. he looked happy and i really wanted to get them-

"HEY! OLI!" i turned my head to the girl walking up to us and the boy finally showed himself. I felt a fist hit my back nd i lunged foward hitting seven he caught my arm's and hit his back on the wall. We both fell and cringed at the  pain, Seven cursed past clenched teeth and glared at her, i did the same.

"oh my god are you ok?!" My head snapped to seven watching his face tint red and oliver hold his face looking in his eyes. Oh yes, Oliver Smith. He is adorable but, cheesy enough, not as cute as kaden.

"im so sorry! that was my sister. Are you bleeding?" seven smiled and nodded that he was hurt. Oliver took his hand and pulled him to his feet.Oli escorted him to the clinic and seven smiled at me and mouthed a goodbye. I realized that oliver dresses rather feminine. He wore a light blue tank top, khaki shorts , blue covers and three gold and silver bracelets on his wrist that jinggled when he walked. He was cute but i couldn't get over kaden. Thinking of him made me wonder if he was here so i skipped the library and bolted to first period early as usual. I knocked on the door and watched Ms. Green point to the door and ask someone to get it. The door opened and i scooted in and saw kaden.

"Kaden!" i beamed looking at him.

"w...whats your name?" he stepped back. I couldn't help but giggle as he screwed up his face.

"Damian. Damien Roberts or the only kid that has a A in this class." Ms. Green smirked at me and i held my hand to kaden and nodded, He surprised me by wraping his arms around my torso hugging me. He hid his face in my chest after realizing his hood fell down. I wrapped my arms around him pulling his hood back up so he could relax. He felt perfect in my arm's i couldn't help but smile. He pulled away and looked at me.

"Thank you for keeping our deal!" he chimed and my cheeks burned.

"I had to get stitches you know that right!" I returned with passion. He giggled and sat back in his seat and i sat next to him watching him doodle little charecters on his hands. He could draw with both hands, neat. He looked at me and he blushed to the tips of his ears.

"I'm glad you went....does it hurt?" He said almost inaudible

"um...no but i need to ask u something....well two things." i shifted uncomfortably as he glanced at me.

"sure Damien." he replied before his phone rang and he picked up holding a finger to me. I pouted at him until i saw his eyes swell and he glanced at me covering his face and he shuttered.

"yea. i won't. ok bye." His eyes turned back to me and he asked a question i never thought he'd ask.

"can you skip with me please?" I quickly packed my stuff and nodded grabbing my bag and his bag and pencils pulling him from the class room and out to the parking lot and shoved our stuff into my car looking back at him.

"Ok...just wanna say i've never skipped before. But more in my concern what just happened?" His eyes watered and he fiddled with his fingers.

"w...well uhm my brother just kicked me out and i was wondering if you could take me to a hotel?" I winced and whiped his tears away. I knew the answer to the gay question by now but so many more questions popped into my head. I decided on one though.

"you can stay at my place and ill take u to and from school if you would like..." I was freaking out i was sure he'd say no but he blushed and nodded in agreement. My heart swelled.

"Alright hop in kaden!" He climed in and cuddled my seat and sobbed softly. I let him. i knew he had to and he wouldn't let me take him to his house to get clothes he was ashamed. I wanted to know why. His tears made my chest hurt and i wanted to help but i couldn't. It pissed me off. Maybe i have anger issues. Probably, with my luck i have a serious anger problem. We pulled in and walked up to my apartment. I unlocked the door letting him in. I kept clean so i wasn't worried. I set our bags down and walked to him.

"nothing of mine will fit you but i can give you some pajama pants and a shirt." He noded and whiped his face. I got the clothes and handed them to him.

"I'll be in my room if you need me the one at the end of the hallway." I quickly hugged him and walked to my room pulling my shirt off layin in bed giggling like the fool i was. It was just enough to have him in my house. I was exited to get to know him. That's all i want.

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