Meeting Zen!

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Chapter 7

(damien's POV)

My eyes flew open to the sound of the garbage truck i yawned and stretched. This day is gonna suck! I skipped my shower and grabbed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt making myself a cup of caramel coffee. I shuffled to the door grabbing my keys and my bag walking to my car. Seven is probably getting a ride from oli so i can go i guess. Starting the car i felt depressed. I hate when i feel like this but i can't help it. This is having feelings for someone likeing them and having them leave you in the dust. I sipped my coffee driving to school quietly. When i parked i recognized oli and seven standing by the wall holding their pinkies together, this made my heart drop again.

It was really cold and i hadn't seen kaden in the library. i hope he made it home safely. I walked into first period sipping my, surprisingly good , coffee. Everyone's eyes locked on me and i glaced at the corner to see kaden doodling on the sheet we had been given. Ms. Green handed me the sheet and i snatched it walking to my seat, ploping down and setting my feet on a empty chair next to me. I leaned on the wall behind me and looked at kaden. I'm done. This day will suck.

Half way through the period  i stood and headed toward the door. I can't stay here and watch him like a stalker it's weird. I opened the door quickly.

"Hey in your seat please!" Ms. Green shouted. A pair of dainty hands grabbed my shirt.I figured it was Ms. Green. I turned with a cold look to see a pretty brown haired girl with hazel eyes and she looked up at me her cheeks rosey red. My glare softened and she smiled. I noticed everyone looking at us even kaden, His pen still in his hand. I looked back at her and she grabbed my hands.

"Go out with me?!" She blurted loudly. I glanced at her sliding my hands out of hers.

"Uh...." I thought and looked at kaden, his head down and he picked at the chipping paint on the wall. I dont care for this girl at all. I don't care for her feelings or why she likes me. Shes popular and i've never even talked to her. Im not gonna be sweet about this.

"please Dami?" I glared at her and sighed.

"I don't date people like YOU!" I spat rudely.

"And don't call me Dami!" I turned on my heel and heard her scoff and sniffle as the door shut.

I walked to the sports building. I've never been to this place but i heard from the peppy swim team that theres a pool. I opened the door to the pool building and my jaw dropped.

"This pool is huge!" I was rather loud and the one person in there jumped and fell in the water and splashed around. Can they swim?

"Sorry!" I ran to the side grabbing their hand and pulling them out. His little hands grabbed my arms and i sat with him infront of me. His dirty blonde hair fell over his eyes and he shook from the cold. His light blue speedo made me think he was on the swim team and his skinny figure surprised me.

"Uhm....are you on the swim team?" I asked looking at him. He shook his head sitting up revealing his bright green eyes that were glazed with tears that fell when he blinked. He let go of my arms and held his own.

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry i scared you. Can you swim?" His head shook again and he whiped his face. He won't talk to me im weird i forgot. I stood and looked at him.

"I'm sorry." I grabbed a towel and set it on his head. He dried his hair and looked at me as i undressed into a swim suit.

"weirdo." I giggled and looked at him as he blushed. I walked past him and jumped in the water swimming smoothly. Oh the feeling of a good swim is amazing! I felt weird swimming around the pool with him sitting there but i floated closing my eyes. I heard someone plop but not jump in the shallow end so i opened my eyes looking at him. He clung to the edge gradually scooting further along. Should i help him?

"Hey!" My voice echoed loudly. He jumped gripping the edge tighter. His eyes shifted to me and he blushed deeply.

"If you tell me your name ill teach you to swim tommorow after school." I said pulling myself up the ladder on the side of the pool and grabbing a towel from the shelf next to the pool. he looked at me as i dried my hair. He shook his  head and looked away as i grabbed my things. I sighed and nodded.

"That's fine I'll see you tommorow." i waved and headed to the door pushing it open.

"Hey!" a voice spooked me i turned to see  him standing now.

"Zen." He said quietly. I smiled and waved again.

"after school tomorrow! bye." I walked out and to my car as the bell rang. Freshmen pushed people from the doors and i walked into the parking lot fast avoiding any conflict. I dried my hair a little more before climbing in and heading home.

Once i got home i unlocked the door and plopped on the couch openimg my phone. 

"hey a message from seven!" i opened the message and read a number and after that phone number a name of a person whom i didn't want to bother, Kaden, Why did he have to bother him for his number! i saved it just in case and layed on the couch sighing. I'll call him. Maybe. No. I hate my thoughts.

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