x Twelve x

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Your Perspective >>

"Well, Goodnight L/N," Midoriya said as he flipped over and turned off the light. I just sat up on the mattress that lay on his bedroom floor patiently waiting. I could tell that he knew I was watching him as he tried to sleep. Just watching. He eventually grew sick of this before looking over at me and asking, "Are you ok?"
"No," I responded. He immediately grew nervous as he waved his hands around and asked what was wrong. "You going to sleep is what's wrong." We both paused for a minute.

Izuku's Perspective >>

Late at night. Pitch black. Me going to sleep is a problem? I don't know what to think here! Is she going to say something sexual? No! Don't think like that! It's all going to be ok-, "This is a sleepover, right? You never sleep at a sleepover," she explained calming my worries. "So like an all-nighter?" I asked her. "Exactly," she said turning the light back on and standing up.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom. Brb," she said before heading out the door and down the hall to where she saw it from memory. I suddenly feel super conscious of myself. Like if I looked ok, if my room was tidy, if I was being a good friend. Why? I don't know myself. It's not L/N, is it? It can't be. Why would someone like her make me so nervous? I know that she's pretty easy going and not judgemental.

As if she was the speed of light, she came tumbling back through the door and onto my bed to sit next to me. I felt myself heat up as she just smiled. "What do you wanna d-do?" I asked her accidentally stuttering the last word. "Hmmm," she said holding her chin up like she was thinking. "I know. We should go down to the local pool and go swimming," she suggested. "Are you crazy? It's late at night, the pool is closed and my Mum expects us to be asleep right now!" I whisper yelled as she just began to pick up random stuff and throw it at me. She picked up some items from around my room and threw them under her covers to make it look like a person. "Chill out dude. This will be fun." I grew super worried. I also knew though that there was no changing her mind.

"You don't even have a bathing suit," I stated as she picked up a towel from in the cupboard and finished making the fake person under the covers. "Who cares? Let's go!" She said opening the window after turning off the lights. "WE'RE JUMPING OUT THE WINDOW?!" I questioned with a whisper yell in panic. "So?" She said grabbing onto my waist like it was nothing. "Let's go!" She said taking off with us and the towels. Although on that memorable day she flew with ease, the same wasn't the case today. She suddenly stopped and we went plummeting to the ground. "SORRY BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDD!" She was yelling as we hit the ground. At least we weren't too far from it when her quirk malfunctioned.

I was pretty tough so I stood up just repositioning my hair feeling conscious again. She didn't seem to look like she was getting up. Was she hurt? I bent over her as flipped over and rose her head with her eyes closed, face inches from mine. She just groaned "I can't get up because I'm tired," before fluttering her eyes open. She didn't seem phased at all. She stuck her hands towards my face and said, "Upsises please." I stood back a bit and helped her up. She grabbed the air in a motion towards my shoulders saying "Upsises," again. I lifted her up onto my shoulders and carried her to the pool which wasn't very far away.

This was nice. He head was rested onto of mine as she played with my hair while holding my shoulder.


It wasn't long before we reached the pool. I tapped her and she looked up at the fence that loomed before us. "What now?" I asked trying to make her change her mind. She jumped off my shoulders and began to climb the fence. "We can't just break into the pool! What if someone sees us?!" I whisper shouted at her once more. "No one will see us silly. Now stop being a wuss and give me a boost." I just sighed as I did what she said.

She was on the other side before I climbed hesitantly and followed. "Pretty daring for you Midoriya. I'm proud," she said before placing down the towel and standing by the edge of the pool. I was quite surprised myself if I'm being honest. Her praise made my face dust itself pink before I hit the ground on the other side and stood next to her.

We sat down for a moment and we talked. We talked about all kinds of stuff. I found out that she can't stand waiting for something to happen. She also told me that if she wants something, she will do anything to get it. I told her about how I never give up and I live to achieve my dreams and she told me that she admired that about me. "Speaking of admiring, do you admire anyone in our class? If you know what I mean," she asked and she literally wiggled her eyebrows at me. Now that I think about it, do I like anyone? Uraraka is cool, but a bit too 'in your face' and I don't know Tsu very well. ((Ima Midotsuyu shipper and that hurt to type ;,((

"Do y-," she cut off by me pushing her into the pool as a small squeal escaped her lips. I began to laugh until I was gripping my sides. Her head popped above the water and she just gave me a look that I couldn't describe. She was up to something. "You wanna play that game huh?" She said before grabbing my ankles and dragging me in with her. I felt myself get eaten by the cool water as it sent a shiver up my spine from the sudden temperature change ((and because L/N held my ankles.))

We looked at each other before we both burst into fits of laughter sending echoes through the surrounding area. All was fun and games until we heard the pool gate open. The eerie creak making us turn slowly to the person at the gate. I knew someone was going to find us.

A/N - Did you like all of Midoriya's POV this chap? Might try this again later if so ;))

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