x Twenty Two x

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A/N - 300 Votes? You guys are so cool! This book wouldn't be what it is without you! Thank you :))

Your Contention >>

I got on the line that would take me the other side of the city. I would meeting up with Izuku to check out the pop up shop. It felt cool to be able to hang out with him whenever we felt like it. We didn't need to plan anything, just send a few texts. I've only really ever done that with Katsuki so it's nice to have more friends.

As the subway pulled up to stop, I quickly jumped off and ran with my backpack full of stuff to where I told Izuku where we would meet. My large sunglasses sat on top of my head and my candy necklace hung around my neck, tickets still sticking out my pocket that I didn't use as the sun was around an hour from setting. I already knew that we wouldn't just be seeing the store, but probably also hanging out. I quickly sent my Mum a message so she knew I would be out later than expected.

As I was walking, I was looking down at my phone. Not seeing what was ahead of me, I ran into a pole banging my head. I fell to the ground as I rubbed my head. "Y/N! Are you ok?!" I head a familiar voice as it neared me quickly. "Y-Yeah" I said looking up slowly to see the green haired boy in front of me. If this was anyone else, I would probably be really embarrassed. He held a hand out me to help me up as his face flushed scarlet. I took it gratefully as I got back on my feet. I felt myself heat up at his blushing. "S-so, want to go t-t-to the store?" he asked as I shook my head to gain focus. "Of corse" I said looking down as we began walking.

The warm breeze blew against my face blowing my hair slightly. I could feel Izuku's eyes burn into the side of my head trying to catch my eye. How had I possibly known this boy for a month? It feels way longer. Because everyday feels longer when he's there.

The silence between us was nice. This was until we approacehed the store at the top of this hill. Our eyes lit up as we began running.

Turning in, we saw all kinds of stuff. Hero stuff was everywhere. Glass cabinets full of information and figurines. All kinds of posters and books for world famous heroes. "Hey Izuku, over here!" I dragged him over to a part with the Pussycats and we saw Ragdoll. "Aweeesssomeeeee!" I squealed fangirling like crazy as Izuku laughed at how cute I was being unintentionally. I picked up a small Ragdoll doll from the bench hoping to get it for our presentation. Once I saw the price, I dropped it as it lightly bounched off the floor. "NO WAY! NO WAY DO I HAVE THAT KINDS OF CASH!" I screeched before I held my face in my palms. "I would have kept it too.." I mumbled before feeling a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will work out" he said giving a weak smile as he lightly blushed. I felt a blush rising on my face too as he was so close to my face.

We looked around a little more as Midoriya freaked out when he saw the All Might section. It looked like a shrine for the Number 1 hero. I smiled at him as we made our way out. "That was so cool! Don't you agree-" I turned to see him not there. "Izuku?" I asked hoping he would respond. "I'm here!" he called back as he tripped over his own feet running to me. "You good?" I asked as he regained balance next to me. "Y-Yeah. Just umm looking at something was all" he said avoiding eye contact as I smiled in return. "You know what, we should head over to the beach" I told him not wanting to leave. It seemed that he didn't want to either so he nodded. I stood looking off into no where for a minute as I grabbed his hand and dragged him along.

The walk to the beach wasn't too far considering that we lived in Japan. Where there are tones of people and buildings everywhere and anywhere that wasn't a city were rice farms.

When we reached the beach, I quickly kicked off my shoes and threw them over by a beach hut as I ran down gesturing him to follow. He did the same and chased me down.

Izuku's Contention >>

I felt the sand kicking up the back of my legs as I ran up to her. Quickly, she began to tease me by keeping on running. I continued my chase determined to catch her. As we began to reach the water, I was right on her tail. This was all until she suddenly stopped making me knock her and myself over into the Ocean.

I looked up and at each other before erupting into laughter. She splashed me for knocking her over as I did the same back. This turned into a full water fight.

I saw her grow tired as the sky turned beautiful shades of purple, orange and yellow. I saw her stop as she sat down in the water and looked up at the setting sun over the horizon. I sat down next to her to take in the breath taking sight too. I saw her eyes trail from the sky to me making me flushed. I couldn't help myself.

"This is nice" I said as I continued to watch the sky. "Well every moment is magical when I'm with you. So I guess that explains a lot" she said, a small smile forming on her face.

I wanted to dunk my head underwater and scream at how cute she was, but I didn't. I just did the head dunking part to cover how hot my face was. God her choice of wording was always getting me.

"So Izuku" she said as I looked back at her calming myself down. "Maybe we should start thinking about finding Ragdoll for our presentation. You know, the whole 'news report' video we are going to make and we planned to interview Ragdoll herself?" She said snapping me from my thoughts. "Right. We really need to start thinking about that"

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