What is going on with me??!!

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Danny's Pov

I started to panic. I had Wolf ears!!. I mean, I always had wolf ears but I cant hide them. If Lucy or my friends find out, Something bad will happen to them and I don't want to hurt them, especially Lucy. She means the world to me.....Always and forever. My heart thumped softly at the thought of her. I sighed softly but shook my head.

"Ok, Dan. No time for that. I need to hide them!!" I said, frantically searching around. I stopped at the sound of a little tap on the door.

"Dan, Hun. Are you ok in there??" Lucy called.

I quickly grab the towel and wrapped it around my head.

"Uh...Um... I'm okay" I called out, stuttering nervously. I opened the door and stepped out.

"Um..Ok. I'm going out with Jake and Zack while Ella is having family time with her mother" She explained

"Uh.. Oh, yeah. Have fun" I walked slowly to the bedroom and closed it once I was in. I gave out a sigh of relief. Lucy take ages in the shower so I'm in the clear.

Suddenly, there was a cough. I looked up to see Alyssa, arms folded. I looked around the bedroom and face palmed. I was in the wrong bedroom....

"You are hiding something??" She looked at me as if she was trying to find out what was wrong with me.

"Uh..I...I'm not" I stuttered. As if things couldn't get any worse, the towel slipped off my head and onto the floor. Alyssa gasped.

"No...They are...Uh..Fake. Yep, Just a present Lucy got me" I laughed, nervously.

"Uh, Just fake ears that can move and are fluffy" She smirked. She Was Lucy's daughter alright.

"Ok Alyssa, Listen. Please don't tell your mother. It just...I.." I started to say before I interrupted.

"You don't want to hurt her" She finished my sentence. I looked at her, Confused.

"When Mom told me stories about what happened to you. About Aunt Ivy, how she turned evil and tried to kill Mom because of you. Mom  told me that you were a wolf or the son of eastern wolf tribe. I could see you were struggling with that side of you. Even now. I could tell you didn't want to hurt Mom or me" She explained, sadly.

I smiled and gave her a close hug.

"I can help you. Ameilia showed some spells" She said. I broke the hug

"Um...Ok" I said, unsure

"It's ok...I have been learning for years although this certain spell only lasts for a couple of hours" she smiled. I nodded and she casted the spell. Before I knew it, the ears were gone.

"Wow...This is...." I started to say before there was a small flash of light and the ears were back.

"But...but I don't understand....It should have worked." Alyssa said, confused. I sighed. Suddenly, she gasped and went through her closet and brought out a hat.

"Here" She said, handing it to me " Put it on, Just until I find the right spell"

I nodded and put it on.

~A couple of Hours later~

We finished eating dinner and got ready for bed. Lucy was in the shower when Alyssa tried the spell again. No luck.

"I'm sorry. I will ask Ameilia in the morning" She said, hugging me "Night, Dad"

Lucy walked in and looked out of the window.

"It's such a beautiful night" She sighed. I stood next to her and looked up at the starry sky. The full moon radiated down on me. Suddenly, I was froze on the spot. It was as if I was in a trance. The moon flashed red for a split second. I didn't know what was happening. I have never had this issue with the moon before.

"Dan??!!" Lucy shouted, shaking me. I snapped out of my trance. Looking into my reflection on the window, my eyes were red, a more darker red. Slowly, the colour faded back to my normal blue. I turned to Lucy, who was staring at me curiously.

"Are you Okay??" She asked.

"Uh...Yeah...I'm fine. It just that the moon is so beautiful...." I Paused, once again staring at the moon. The same feeling happened again. Suddenly, dark clouds started to cover up the moon, which caused me to snap out of the trance. I shook my head and lied down in bed.

What is happening to me???!!!

To Be Continued

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