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Lucy's Pov

After a few minutes of hugging him, Danny fell asleep. Properly tired from the transform. Cindy and Jay stayed with him as I went back to the living room. Everyone stared at me as I walked in.

"It's ok..........He's ok" I said, a little embarrassed. Just like that, everyone continued their conversation with each other. I walked over to Kyle.

"I'm so sorry, Kyle for what he did" I apologised on Dan's behalf.

"It's ok. I hope he is doing ok" he smiled.

~Kyle's Pov~

I still like her...... I know I should let her go but I cant. It tears me up inside. It isn't easy to know that one of your best friend is dating, or married to a different guy!!. I cant believe I accepted their marriage. I thought I could get over it but I was wrong. Maybe I should accept her offer.

~Couple of Minutes later~ (Lucy's Pov)

I waved everyone out as the reunion was over.

"Lucy, I know me and Danny aren't on the same page yet but I hope he feels better" Dad said, smiling. I smiled and hugged him.

"I hope so" I whispered. I let him go and closed the door. I turned to see kyle still standing there.

"Kyle??. I thought you left" I said, a bit shocked.

"And leave you with all this mess. I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't help you" He smirked.

"That's nice but I have magic. This will be done in 5 seconds" I giggled. He looked at me with sad, puppy eyes. He knows I cant handle the sad, puppy eyes!!

"Fine...." I sighed.

Few Minutes later (Mini Kyle Pov)

We finished with the chores and I had to leave. Lucy lead me to the door. But, then something amazing happened. She kissed me.........Well, she kissed on the cheek. But, still she kissed me....

"Thank you for helping" She whispered before closing the door. She is so cute. I sighed and left.

~Lucy's Pov~

I walked into the bedroom. Dan was still asleep. Cindy was studying him. Jay looked up and saw me. I walked to me.

"Lucy, there is something I need to tell you" He said. I nodded and sat down beside Dan, trying not to wake him up.

"What is it?" I asked

"I find some trances of effects on him" Cindy replied.

"Effects??" I asked, confused

"Potion or spell effects" Jay said

"I believe this is the cause" He held up a empty bottle of water. I looked at it.

"The same trances of effects as on Dan. I think someone caused Dan to act like this and put a spell or potion into the bottle. I think It was meant for him" Cindy said, standing beside Jay.

"That means someone is behind this. What if it is Midnight?" I asked, a little panicked.

"There is a high chance it could be her" Jay replied. I gasped. If Midnight is behind this, she will lead Dan to her and she might kill him. I cant lose him.....

"Why does he act strange every time a full moon comes out? I asked

"He's a wolf. Wolves are attracted to full moons. Each time, a full moon came out, It seems to be calling him somewhere. If he stares at the moon for too long, he will transform and he might hurt you or Alyssa. He wouldn't forgive himself" Jay explained

~Next Day~

I woke up to find Dan no where to be seen. I panicked and dressed quickly.

"Dan?!" I called as I walked into the kitchen.

"I'm here" He said. I let out a sigh of relief as I hugged him. He was a little startled by the sudden hug but he hugged back. I looked at him when I realised something was wrong. His eyes. Instead of the beautiful sea- blue eyes, they were replaced with threatening, dark red eyes. Still beautiful but deadly. I pushed him away, gently.

"Your eyes..." I said.

"What's wrong with them?" He asked, confused.

"They're red" I pointed out. Suddenly, he started to laugh.

"Of course, they are red. That is my normal eye colour" he said. What?!

"No Dan, your eye colour is normally blue. Pretty sea- blue eyes" I said, confused.

"Lucy......You look pale. Are you sick??" he asked, worried. I was sweating so much right now. To be honest, I have been a little dizzy recently. I think it is because of all the worry.

"N...no, I'm fine....." I said.

Then, Alyssa walked in. It didn't take her long to realise his eye colour.

"Your eyes are red......" she said. I could hear the fear in her voice. I don't want her to be afraid of him.

"You too??. This is my normal eye colour. So, just quit talking about my eyes" He snapped. We both jumped, a little startled at the sudden outburst.

"I think the spell/ potion is getting stronger" she whispered. I nodded.

~Later that day~

"How is he?" Jay asked. I frowned and sat down on the sofa in the living room. Dan was in our bedroom, sleeping.

"He..... His eyes changed....He thinks it is his real eye colour" I said.

"I think the spell is getting stronger" He answered. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, you think??!!" I snapped. Jay drew back, a little hurt by my outburst.

"Hey Lucy, I know this whole thing has been hard on you. I promise he will be fine" he said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Jay. It is just that I haven't been feeling too great recently and now Dan could be in danger. It is alot to take in, all at once" I sighed. He nodded and hugged me. I smiled, hugging him back.

~Night~ (Danny's Pov)
I tried to contain the anger but the words slipped out. I hate myself for speaking to Alyssa and Lucy like that. My mind is telling me to say other things to them but my heart is telling me no. I feel controlled....
I was still awake. I couldn't sleep. Luckily, the curtains were closed so I couldn't go into a 'moon trance'. The wind howled and whispered from our open window, filling the room with sound. I felt like something was calling me. I suddenly had the urge to pull the curtains open and jump out of window to that strange sound.

I closed my eyes, forcing my arm down. Fighting the urge. Suddenly, a loud, high-pitched sound echoed in my ears. I clasped my head, stumbling into a drawer, causing a lamp to shatter on the floor. Lucy woke up and looked at me with those gentle but worried eyes.

~Lucy's Pov~

"Oh no..." I whispered. I had no idea what was going on but I knew Danny was trying to fight the spell placed on him.

"Dan, fight it please" I shouted. He looked at me with worried eyes. I tried to walk slowly up to him but he moved back, trying to get away from me.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!" He yelled. I froze to the spot. He trying to protect me. He doesn't want to hurt me.

"Dan please... Let me help you...." I cried. He stopped, glancing at me. However, instead of worry and sorrow. Hate and anger filled his eyes.

He transformed. I leaped back into a wall. He slowly moved closer towards me. I don't want to use my magic on him......
I closed my eyes, waiting for the attack. Nothing came...... I opened my eyes. He shooked his head while backing away as if he was fighting against the dark magic.

"L....... Lucy........S......stay....safe" he managed to say before jumping out of the open window.

He's gone.......

To Be continued

(This is the longest chapter than my other season as well as other stories. The word count is 1328)

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