Lucy Finds Out!!!!

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Lucy's Pov

After a couple of weeks went by, the sense of worry filled the air. It became stronger each day. I realised Dan is acting a little.......Odd recently. Spending so much time in the bathroom as well as Alyssa's bedroom. I'm not mad. In fact, I'm glad Dan is spending time with his stepdaughter. However, there was one thing that worries me more. The fact that, Every time there is a full moon, Dan would stare at it. Nothing else. Just stare at it. He seems to be in a trance until I said his name or jog him. Last night, there was a full moon and once again, Dan stared at it but I noticed something different. His eyes. They changed colour. Slowly fading into red. His wolf eye colour. These weird actions have an connection with his wolf side.

I walked towards Alyssa's bedroom, hesitating whether it was okay to walk in or not. I build up the courage to walk in. The first thing I noticed was Dan, sitting on the floor with one of Alyssa's hat on and Alyssa was flipping through a book.

"Dan, What's going on?" I asked, staring at him. He jumped at the sound of my voice and turned around.

"Uh....Hello, Lucy" He replied, smiling nervously

"Nothing is going on, Mom" Alyssa quickly said

"Oh, Come on. I know you are lying to me. Why are you avoiding me?" I asked

~Danny Pov~

"Why are you avoiding me?" She asked, looking a little hurt. Her pretty, brownish- yellow eyes staring at me, forming tears.

"Do.....Do you not love me anymore??" She asked, quietly. Crystal- Blue tears fell down her rosy cheeks. Those words cut my heart in two

"No....Lucy.....Don't you ever think that!!. You are everything to me and you know that" I whispered. As I walked over to hug her, I tripped over the spell book and fell on the bed. Phew, luck there was a bed there. Suddenly, I heard gasping.

"Oh no..." Alyssa gasped. I looked at her, confused. She slowly moved her hand to her head. My eyes widened as I realised my hat came off, revealing a pair of wolf ears.

"This is the secret you both didn't want to tell me" Lucy said, firmly. I nodded

"That explains the moon trances" She whispered. Moon Trances???

Suddenly, she grabbed mine and Alyssa's hand and teleported into a forest.

"Where are we??" I asked, a little dazed by the teleportation

"Your home" She replied, leading us to a clearing.

"Conner??!!" She yelled. As quick as a flash, Conner jumped out of the bushes and transformed into a human.

"Lucy!" He cried, hugging her. He eyed Alyssa

"Who is this??" He asked, smiling

"This is Alyssa. She is my.......Daughter" Lucy said.

"Wow. You and Danny did......." He started to say...

"Conner, I need your help" Lucy cut him off, blushing bright red. I was too.

"Wolf ears??. Cant you hide them??" He asked me. I shook my head.

"This is bad. If he cant hide them, then Midnight will track him. She can trace magic. Dan is the son of the magical wolves and the only one left. If Midnight caught him, She might....." He paused, taking a deep breath.

"There is something different with these wolf ears. Its not just because he is the son of the magical wolves but a different kind" Conner said, unsure.

"I think it has something to do with evil magic"

To Be Continued

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