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I took a big gasp of air as my life came back to me.

Beep Beep

"We have a pulse." The doctor yelled. I struggled to open my eyes. Everything looked blurry. The bright lights beamed down on me and a lot of people in white surrounded me.

I heard someone tell another to inform my husband that I was alive. I knew they had to be talking about Rodney but my heart was hoping for Zeus.

I tried to speak but nothing came out.

"Ma'am you're in the hospital. Your husband informed us that someone broke into your home and attacked you. The police will be here later to question you but for right now we're going to need you to calm down and rest. " One of the female nurses said.

My memory was foggy but I knew for a fact that wasn't the story. I remember Rodney putting his hands on me and choking me out but the rest I couldn't remember.

The thought of going home with him scared me especially after he finds out that I lied about being pregnant. I just wanted him to stop and I was willing to anything to make him. Now the unknown clouded me with fear and I didn't know what to do.


"Hey baby. How are you?" Rodney asked kissing me. I looked over to see the police at the side of my bed.

"Ma'am I'm officer Tolber." He stated extending his hand for me to shake. "Do you remember about attacker? Right now we have no leads so any information would help."

My mind raced with the thought of telling them that it was Rodney but I knew I couldn't do that. I looked at him and he gave me a look pierced my soul. I knew I was helpless in this situation.

"No sir. I can't remember anything. I'm sorry."

The police officers looked at each other as I looked at them with pleading eyes to catch on. But I guess Rodney caught on before they could say anything.

"I think that's enough officers. My wife is really tired and this is too much right now." He explained. I was confused on the role he was playing. He played it so well like he had been since I'd known him.

"Okay. Well Miss if you remember anything just contact us." He said handing me his card. "Let me know if you want to talk alone. "

He said the last part while looking at Rodney then back at me. I knew he felt like something was off but he didn't know what. They walked out the room and it went silent.

I looked at Rodney who looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry Ahnya. I will never hurt you again. It was the drugs but I promise you I'm going to stop just for you baby. I swear it. We're going to get clean together and get married. We can be a perfect family and get your kids back from Zeus. I'm going to changed for real Nya." He cried.


That was five years ago. Would you believe me if I said I took him back? Being young and dumb I did. I lied to the police for him and now here I am 23 years old still with him.

It's been 5 years of not seeing my kids. 5 years of being beat, unloved, and cheated on. 5 years of being manipulated by Rodney.

It took me this long to realize and get real about leaving him. During these years I have been hospitalized three times because of him putting his hands on me. That's not including the two miscarriages I had because of him.

He would tell me he loved me and that he wanted to start a family and marry me. I'd always fall for it every time. He purposely got me pregnant twice so I wouldn't leave him. Then as soon as I came back to him after I found out I was pregnant he would act so excited but it wouldn't last long. He would eventually go into a rage and put his hands on me then I'd miscarriage. 

The second pregnancy I was 6 months pregnant with a baby girl. I named her Taliyah Andrea after MaLeah and Dreyden. I was so depressed when I lost her that I was too weak to leave him. I cried every night for two months straight.

After being I got out the hospital I secretly started getting clean. I've been clean for two and a half years now but Rodney doesn't know that. I knew that if he knew then he would somehow get me back on it so I'd stay with him. But now I was done with him.

I just didn't know how I'd leave. All I had was a GED. I had no one to run to whenever I left him. Zeus moved out his house so I would've be able to find them. I didn't know how to get in contact with my sister.

I'd been trying to plan for this for a while now. I was determined to find Zeus and my kids and get away from Rodney. I was leaving real soon.

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