Jaden farts A Lot

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I walked back to Aunty Lauren’s place and everyone rushed over to me.

“How was it?” asked my mom.

“What did you do there?” asked my dad.

“What are you famous for?” asked Aunt Lauren.

“Did you buy me anything?” asked Zoe.

“Did you get me a new Wii game?” asked Brady

“ROOF!” Barked Tommy. I just laughed a bit and sat down on the couch.

“It was good mom, and I sang for them dad, I’m famous for my singing and acting and dancing Aunt Lauren and no I didn’t buy you anything Zoe and no I didn’t get you a new Wii game Brady… And I don’t know what Tommy was trying to say hehe…”

Then my phone was ringing, I picked it up and it was Ray’s uncle.

Me: hey, what’s up?

Ray’s Uncle: Do you even know my name?

Me: Erm no… What’s your name?

Ray’s Uncle: It’s Dan.

Me: Okay Dan, what’s up?

Dan: since you’re officially famous now, you have to move into your own house – with your parents and siblings of course- make new music and guest star in some TV shows.

Me: Okay but we don’t have enough money to buy me a whole new house…

Dan: Yes, I know, that’s why I’m going to pay for your new house.


Dan: SHUT DOWN! YES WAY! And yes I’m serious. Now tomorrow we are going to pick a house and I’ll buy it for you, then we are going to the recording studio so you can sing a song with whatever artist you like, and then you’re going to be guest starring on A.N.T Farm.

Me: Omigosh! Thanks so much Dan! I can’t wait! Bye!

Then I hang up and went straight upstairs to the room I was staying in and changed into my pajamas:

and went to bed. Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday morning***********************************

I woke up to the sound of my Hello Kitty alarm clock, brushed my teeth, had a shower, brushed my hair, changed into this:

I ran downstairs and saw Jaden there? With China? What are they doing here…?

“Hey guys, what’re you doing here?” I said while hugging them.

“We’re here to help pick out your new house and get to know each other because you’re going to be guest starring in A.N.T Farm and you’re going to be singing a duet with Jaden.” explained China…

“I’m gonna be sing a duet with Jaden? Why?”

“Because Dan thinks we make a cute couple” Jaden said while winking at me. I just rolled my eyes. I heard a car honking in the driveway. We all ran outside and got into Dan’s awesome car!

6 hours later****************

We were all so tired and exhausted until I saw my dream house! It was on the other side of the road but Dan managed to get there. The house:

“Oh My gosh. DAN! I WANT THIS HOUSE!” I said while jumping up and down.

“Yeah ME TOO!” Said Jaden jumping up and down. Me and China just looked at him and he stopped.

Mistakenly Famous - Jaden Smith Love Story (Finished!)Where stories live. Discover now