Falling In Love with My Annoying StepBrother

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Somi POV


My body is ache. I slowly brush my eyes and trying to open them.

I sit up and go to downstairs.

To my surprised, the sun is still not up and also my mom.


I look at my wall clock..Argh..I hate this.

Aish, why I need to wake up now?!!!

It's still 5 a.m while the class is going to start in 3 hours from now???!!

I set my alarm 7 o'clock but why it rang on 5 o'clock???

I know who did this. This son of brat!

                         ~~~7 a.m.~~~

I wake up again after the sucks fake alarm or should I call stupid prank.

I tie my hair and rush to the bathroom for a wash.

Holiday over and school is coming..But it does not make any change.

Because of the jerk evil villain..

I put on my uniform and put some light make-up.. Nah~ just some powder and lip balm.

Heavy make-up is not my style *flip hair*

I go downstairs and I see my mom.

She is actually my step mom but she loves me too much. She married to my step father. My father passed away after my mom. My step father is a great father tho. He has a step son who is in the same age as me and he is the brat Jeon Jungkook.

Me: Anyeong, Omma! *wave hand*
Omma: Anyeong, sweetheart! *wave back*
Me: What are you cooking for breakfast?
Omma: Pasta~
Me: Yum..Yum..I'm craving of pasta

She smile and continue cooking.

I am smiling to death when I am thinking of my idols~ Got7 especially Im Jaebum *blushing*

'Ppak!!' I get a smack on my arm.

I turn to him and make an angry face.

Me: Oiii!!! What is your problem, dude?!
Jungkook: Who are you talking to, crazy girl?
Me: Aishh! How about you? Talking to the chair? *smirk*
Jungkook: If not you, so who else? You are the only one crazy here!
Me: I am not crazy dude! I have never been into the mentally hospital!
Jungkook: I once took you there but you insist to go back *grin*

Gosh!! He did asked our driver to send me to the mentally hospital when I suppose to go for a camping.

Me: Wye! You..son of b--


Appa: Urm..Can you stop fighting?  Aren't both of you tired mess with each other everyday?
Omma: I know, right? They are just like cat and dog.
Me: But he started it first!
Jungkook: God! She didn't even know she caused this.
Me: Why me?
Jungkook: Because when ever I see you, my day is bad. And unfortunately, I see you everyday.
Me: You, little rascal!

I grab his short fucking hair which he proud of. Yuck, his hair is just like the owner! Disgusting!

Jungkook: Yah!! *grabbing Somi's hair*
Me: Yahhh!!!
Appa: Yah!!! STOP IT!!!
Omma: If both of you keep on fighting like this, I'm gonna marry you two!
Me&Jungkook: Omma!!!
Appa: That is a good idea, honey. By the way, they did not have any related blood. *smirk*
Me&Jungkook: Appa!!!

Jungkook and me quickly silent and eat fastly.

Omma and Appa just smirk since that is the only way to keep us silent.

Damn, I hate you, Jungkook and I will never marry you!!

I go outside and greet by my driver, Mr.Yoo.

Mr.Yoo: Good morning, Miss Jeon!
Me: Good morning, Mr.Yoo! Aigoo..how many times I told you to call me Somi instead of Miss Jeon.
Mr.Yoo: I am sorry, miss. I used to it. But, I will trying to call you Miss Somi.
Me: Somi only no need the Miss.
Mr.Yoo: I will. Oh! Good morning, Master Jeon
Jungkook: Morning too!

I roll my eyes and get into the car. Jungkook also but he sit in front because does not want to argue with me.

Well, me too!

But then, Appa knock the window on Jungkook's side.

Appa: Jungkookie, can you sit at the back? I will sit here because my car broke down so I need Mr.Yoo to send me.

Jungkook just open the door and go to the seat beside me.

Aishh..Bad day, right?

I am gonna sleep and rest my mind. But, it is not will go well because of the jerk beside me.

5 minutes later..

As I expect, someone poke my arm.

And that someone is JUNGKOOK THE JERK!

Me: Wae?
Jungkook: Your math homework, did you done it?
Me: Uhm..wae?
Jungkook: Let me copy it.

Heol! Copy cat! I back to sleep for a while but I feel like a pair of hands wrap my waist. I shock and almost to death. And the hands are belong to my brat brother.

Me: Yah!! Why are you hugging me?
Jungkook: Eww..Why would I? I am reaching your backpack.
Me: For what?
Jungkook: Copy your homework.
Me: Yah! Lazy boy *Hugging backpack*
Appa: Is there any problem, you two?
Me& Jungkook: Nope!

Then, Jungkook leans towards me and whisper..

You will get the payback at school, remember it nerd..

I pout and back to sleep again but sadly, not so long because we arrive at school.

As usual, a shouts from the fangirls of my hot brother *roll eyes*

Fangirl: Oppa!!! Jungkookie oppa!! Oppa!!! Oppa saranghae!!!

Jungkook push my shoulder and smirking.

Jungkook: Are you jealous? Where are your fanboys?
Me: I am not show off like you dho *roll eyes*
Jungkook: Let me see if I am.

He pull me closer and wrap my shoulder with his hand.

I pull him but of course he win the strength.

Me: Yaa.. Why are being like this? You are not my boyfriend, kayy!

He smirk? Why?

Someone bump into me. His books and also himself fall. I really want to help him but Jungkook keep on hugging me.

Jungkook: Somi-ah, let's go.
Me: Wait.. just for a minute. Hey, boy! Are you okay?

He look up and he is ---


My admire since childhood..

Aishh..No wonder Jungkook keep on hugging me like crazy.

He is trying to make my fanboy JEALOUS!!!!!

A/N ..How is my second fanfic...The first one is not so cool Imao *facepalm*..

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