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Sorry I need to stop update this fanfic ...

I have reasons for my sudden news.

1. Exam
For this weeks, I have my exam which is more important for me. I couldn't update because I need to study.

2. @wishingstar-
okay,, that girl still on bothering me. You know, some negative comments of my fanfic. Yea, she has her soldier of 'bitch'..oops..sorry ..but I think that name suits you.

I don't want to waste my 8 years old days (not real age) of some grannies (haters) *flip hair* Yea..I'm still young to achieve my future while..

for you, grannies who are waiting for day of leaving the earth.

HAHAHHAAAHA..I bet your graves will be so pity of hell.

Okay..I don't to say rude words but I'm tired okay?
Dear bitches,
  I am kind of pity of you all, grannies.. How are you? I hope you are willing to die immediately.
      Hey, that insane? Well, for me you are killing people okay? But grandmas I know you are excited to be welcome to the hell, right? Okay, I will pray for you guys for a quick rest. I am sorry so don't comment for this harsh words okay? If you do, you are a coward then >;< Here my words..
   Hello dude. I know you are laughing for me who will not update this fanfic anymore. You are educator, right bitch? So I fucking wish for you to educate yourself to stop being so fucking hoe! Hey, please duh..Bitch! Excuse me, who are you to educate me? As I know, you are a brat slut. Opps..fucking brat slut of devil in the evil of the fucking hell actually..Just be mad..Talk bad about me because you will die anyway! You are old, right? So just fuck yourself because being so boastful about yourself. Dude, Bitch, Hoe, Brat, Slut, Idiot, Fucking Girl, Shitty, Pussy cat!

Don't be mad, dear..because I scared that you will die toooooo early.


As for other readers, thank you so much for supporting my fanfic. *bow* I love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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