Seek for forgiveness

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Somi POV

Me: Yah!!! Answer me?! Palli!!

Jungkook: Wh-aat?

Me: Are you DEAF?!!

All in class: Ahhahahhahahahaa!!!

I accidentally or maybe NOT spill out the word DEAF so hard to make him realize of what he done.

Jungkook: I-  I am n-ott..

Me: I regret to have you as a brother! You are the stupid man ever who never know what is the fun of world. You just know how to prank others!

Shit! What did I say?

I am gonna kill by him at home later~

Jungkook POV

What the hell is that?

She hate me that much?????


Both of us turn away as we feel shame to fight.

[Skip TO LuNcE]

As all of people out from the classroom.

Me? I slowly walk towards Somi to seek for forgiveness, to apologize in exact.

Just one row of desk, I will apologize quickly


Author POV

Guanlin: Hey, Somi!

Somi: Hey, Guanlin!

Somi smiles from ear to ear when she hear her name call by her crush.

With that, Jungkook feels sad and go out of the classroom.

Guanlin: Let's have a lunch with me.

Somi: What? *chuckle*

Guanlin: I know this quite weird but you know..I saw you and Jungkook fought earlier.

Somi: why with that?

Guanlin: We are friends so we should cheer each other when we feel upset, right?

Somi: Aww..thanks, Guanlin.

Guanlin: So...

Somi: So?

Guanlin: Let's go?

Somi: Come on!

Guanlin offers his hand and Somi accept it by holding his hand.


Jungkook POV

Taehyung: Yah! Jungkook!

Me: Hmm?

Taehyung: Daydreaming?

Me: Hmm..

Jimin: Why are you so weird today?

Me: Hmm..

Everyone stops eating and stares me.

Me: Hmm? *to everyone*

Jin: Why are you like this, Kookie?

Hoseok: Yea, you look different.

Me: Hmm?

Yoongi: Aish!! Done with your 'hmm'!!

Shit! I make him mad.. Crap!

Me: What?

Namjoon: Finally, you spill out a word beside your 'hmm'..

Me: Hmm?

Yoongi: Aish!! I lose my appetite! I am going to my class.

Hoseok: Still 30 minutes left, dude.. Well, I'm going if you don't tell us right now, kookie.

Me: What?

Namjoon: Hoseok, I am going with yo-- He left already?

Taehyung nod.

Namjoon: I better go now then..

Jin: Me too..I felt that I hate this food today.

Jimin: Hyung, I'm coming..

Now, only me and Taehyung left.

We continue eating without saying anything.

As I done eating, I pull out my chair and walking to my class.

Then, I get a tap on my left shoulder.

Taehyung: Eii! Maknae, why are you being like this? I want the playful Jungkookie!

Me: Hyung, I'm tired.

Taehyung: Tired of what?

Me: I don't know .

All of sudden, a lot of students gather to a place.

Taehyung: It's look like something happen. Let's go.

He drag me to the place which is full of people..the school garden and I see..

Guanlin is kissing Somi..

on the lips.

Somi POV

[Somi's part while Jungkook is eating while daydreaming]

After we done eating, Guanlin ask me to join him to the garden.

I nod.

The air which make me automatically happy of the freshness.

Guanlin: You are smiling!

Me: Yea..I am happy.

Guanlin: I love your smile.

Me: Aish„silly!

Guanlin: It's true!

Me: Haha~

Guanlin: Here

He give a bottle of milk. What a nice man he is *blush*

Me: Thanks * sipping the milk*

Me: Ashh! It is so yummy!

I heard Guanlin chuckled a bit.

Me: What???

Guanlin: There is something on your lips.

Me: The milk?

Guanlin: Yea

Me: Where?

I rub my lips but he still laughing and it's mean it still on my lips.

Guanlin grabs my hand and whispers..

"I will take it off so stand still and please beware because you might fall into my love towards you which I kept since the first day I met you. I just want you to know that I love you. I will take it off the sad moment you had today and even before and I will replace it with my love in your heart"

I just stand still while blushing. He smile and lean in and suddenly the time stop as his lips is on my lips. .

I hear everyone gather around us and speaking something that I cannot understand because I am too focus on Guanlin..

Do you believe this?? My crush is kissing me??

Without knowing, I kiss him back and our kiss become passionately..He smile between the kiss as he know that I love him back as much as he love me.

Then,I saw Jungkook. I don't know why but I see a pair of sad eyes in front of me.

I stop the kiss because this will cause false rumors.

But before I did, Jungkook pull me from Guanlin and drag me out of the school.

Even, Mr.Yoo already there to pick us up..

Now, I know it, Jungkook is very angry just like me this morning..

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