Chapter 9

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As Connor was walking home from the store he heard whineing coming from an alley.

He investigated and when he looked down he saw a small brown puppy.

He picked it up and wrapped it in his jacket.

The dog looked up at him and licked his face. Connor pulled a face at the foul smell emitting from the dog. "I'm going to call you Smelly" He said petting the dogs dirty and matted fur.

The dog wagged it's tail and nuzzled into Connor's hand. Connor smiled and felt his heart melt for this poor neglected dog.

He walked home and Kevin was sitting on the couch.

Kevin looked at Connor and then to the dog. "Connor why is there a dog in my house?" He said getting up.

Connor looked at him sadly. "Kevin I found him in the alley. The poor thing was nearly frozen. Please let me take care of him."

Kevin pulled a face. "Gross no. Dogs are the worst. "

Connor made a sad face and looked like he was about to cry. "B-but he's going to die if we send him out. Please Kevin we can't let him die. "

Kevin was not particularly fond of dogs, frankly he hated the idea of owning one,  but there was something about Connor's face that made Kevin unable to refuse. "Fine but whatever he ruins you are paying for." he said grumpily before sitting on the couch and pouting.

Connor gasped and kissed Kevin's face. "Thank you so much!" He said running upstairs and making a bath for Smelly the dog.

The next day Kevin got home before Connor. He walked in and found Smelly. The dog tried to run to him but he tripped over his own paws and stumbled a bit before sticking his tounge out and rubbing against Kevin's leg.

Kevin held back a laugh trying his hardest to still hate this puppy.

Smelly ran away giving Kevin time to sit down but soon the dog returned with a tennis ball that could barely fit in his mouth.

Kevin made a face of disgust as the slobber invested ball was put on his lap.

He picked it up and tossed it across the room causing Smelly to get excited and chase it.

This time Kevin could not hold back his chuckle as the dog slid across the floor.

Smelly ran back over to Kevin without the ball and laid down on his lap looking up at him with big brown eyes.

Kevin began to pet him and they stayed like that for a while before Connor got home.

Smelly didn't even greet Connor because he was to busy getting his ears scratched.

Connor walked in and looked at the sight. "I thought you didn't like dogs. ' he said crossing his arms and smirking.

Kevin chuckled. "Well I guess it took a cute ginger to change my mind. "

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