Poisoned Rose

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Life moves on.

It never stops.

It never waits.

I never knew I’d find a place to call home when I left the one I used to know.

But I did.

Ridge Black Valley has become a part of me, a part of who I am.

But it is cursed with a fallen fate, twisted by the blindness of a love gone wrong.

I only hoped that things would start to look up for this town.

I couldn’t help but start to wonder Why? I am starting to fall for someone who’s so emotionally shut down, I knew the consequences of it: I would only get hurt – deep down I know this – someone who by his own admission is completely screwed up. Why is he so screwed up? It must be awful to be as affected as he is, and the thought of Bacardi hurting him, making him suffer so much in the darkness that she has created around him, is but, an unbearably cruel thing that makes me want to cry for him. No matter what happens, I will stay and fight for him, for the love I see in his eyes…

What lay ahead was a sad and broken path for the pack.

What lay ahead for us was an unsure fate that needed us to be together.

Would he be able to finally let go of the monsters in his past?

Would we be able to pull through as an ‘us’?

The change that would come would be sinister and it would be the ultimate test for Derek and me if we were able to survive it. But, I suddenly felt courageous. I wanted and needed to prove myself worthy of Derek, capable of being his mate and true to the hope that all my friends in Ridge Black Valley had in me.

I smiled. Today would be the turning point of my stay in Ridge Black Valley….

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