Chapter 9: An hour of sex burns 360 calories

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Chapter 9:

I squeezed through the crowd of people, reaching the staircase leading up. My hands guided over the wooden railing and I climbed past couples whose mouths were glued together and their heads bobbed over trying to eat more and more. The passageway was dimly lit but gave enough light under the hazy clouds of pot-smokers blowing out circles of smoke like the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland. I continued walking down reaching the third door on my left. I opened it and snapped my eyes closed when I heard the loud moaning. I hoped I hadn't walked in on some naked couple. My eyes peeked open to a crack only to cause a duo to break apart from a deeply passionate kiss, their tongues slowly pulling out from the other's mouth. I dropped my gaze and mumbled an apology when the boy growled from having to stop. The girl with a high placed bun looked up and smirked at me. I recognized her. She usually hung out with Callie Gilmer and Saline Benny.

"You're looking for something?" The sleeve of her top was half pulled down to reveal the top curves of her breasts. I understood that they were college students, but didn't they have enough decency to at least lock the door? Then I realized I was the one who made the mistake being surrounded by werewolves who didn't give a crap about indecent displays and had good hearing to know that there was someone inside so why feel the need to lock things?

"Uh, just the bathroom, but it seems as if this one is occupied."  

The girl untangled her limbs from the guy's neck and waist to reach into her pocket. She retrieved a box of cigarettes and offered it up to the boy in front of her before lighting one herself. "What?" she snapped, "you never have seen two people making out before?" I touched the tiny wolf locket around my neck feeling quite awkward for walking in on them. The guy didn't seem to mind a bit though, unlike the girl.

"Chill, Donna, she's just trying to give us some privacy. No harm done." The boy smirked over at me. His eyes rushed over me. Something about his smile didn't seem very friendly; it almost had an undertone of evilness to it. Maybe he was just high and I was only imagining it.

"No, Wesley, NO!" she cried, running her hand through her hair. "I've just had it. First we have to deal with Aaron and his fucking pack. Now we got humans running around like rats." 

The boy shrugged, "You think I don't give a rat's ass? Of course I give a rat's ass. And, damn that girl's ass is hot." She didn't seem to care about his opinion as she continued to rant.

"Arg, I just get so pissed off with all these intruders, Wesley. I don't know why Derek keeps being so lenient. I already so fed up that Derek's being such a pusssy towards Aaron. Like seriously? What's the deal with that?"

The guy snorted a chuckle. "There's an en-suite bathroom at the end of the hall, sweetheart unless you want to join us in here."

I quickly shuffled on my feet to create a distance between the duo and me I had walked in on. I followed the passage to the end only to encounter another surprise. Learning from my previous mistake, I had knocked on the door first before entering, hoping that no one was inside, but to my utter luck, the door swung open and I was staring at a very broad, tan, well-muscled chest.

A naked chest. My gaze dropped and my breath sort of...stalled.  

Jeans hung low on his hips - open at the zip - revealing a thin line of dark hair that formed below his navel and disappeared under the band of his Diesel jeans. His stomach was ripped. Perfect. Totally touchable.

I wasn't complaining. I also wasn't talking. And I was staring.

My gaze finally travelling north again, I noted thick, sooty lashes fanning the tips of his high cheeks and hiding the gray colour of his eyes as he looked down at me.

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