Chapter 7: Bad boys across the street

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Chapter 7:

At first I thought that the coordinates I had placed in the GPS were wrong when the map directed me to a gigantic Mediterranean Mansion a few blocks south from where I lived. Of course, I gaped! I was used to New York where there was shiny mirrored buildings competing to reach the sky instead of wide-open spaces where one could have a huge home on the property. I was about to recheck the address Karlie had given me the day of yesterday when she appeared out from the mansion before me.

Karlie dragged the narrow heels of her black-and-white Louboutin mules through the dewy grass towards my Camero. We were both going to drive together to RBVU today. I smiled and waved over at her, she returned the gesture enthusiastically. Everything about Karlie was effortless and cool. Her skin was buttery smooth and naturally tanned; while my strawberry blonde hair was wavy at the ends, Karlie's jet black hair fell down her back like a heavy sheath. We both had a fetish for Vogue, Sienna Miller and cute expensive shoes.

"What's up?" she greeted closing the door as she got in. Karlie buckled her seat-belt and chucked her Black nylon bag in the backseat of the Camero. She raised her hand and ran it over the dashboard. "Sweet ride. I know someone who'd really appreciate it. He loves fast cars too."  

"Who is -" I got cut off by a brawny boy with shaggy blondish-brown hair and sky blue eyes. He jogged up to the car and leaned in through the window giving Karlie a kiss on her cheek. She flapped him away. "What is it Aaron?" she asked.  

He reached into his back pocket to retrieve something as he said, "You forgot your phone, baby." Aaron handed her an iphone covered in pink jewels, a devious smile on his face when he mischievously held it out of her reach when Karlie tried to take it from him. And, then he bent down to whisper in her ear, "And, your bra," making Karlie roll her eyes, but a soft smile entered her lips. I couldn't help note how Aaron looked at her like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. It was awfully sweet and the love in his eyes glinted for a girl that was clearly his. I almost felt jealous watching the two of them. Love was not something I easily had and I admired it when I saw it.

The morning sunlight darted through the trees overhead, casting shadows on the grass. I noticed a flirtatious lilt in Karlie's voice as she spoke. "I'll see you tonight."  

"Aw no. After soccer practice," he said in a baritone. He gave her a persuading pout, "You promised. Come on don't be like that." Aaron picked up a lock of Karlie's black hair and wrapped it around his finger as if it would persuade her differently. I almost felt sorry for him and suppressed my giggle.

"Aaron," she moaned. "You are making us late."

Aaron's eyes flicked up to me. He smiled and reached his hand over to introduce himself. "Hey there, I'm Aaron Cross. I've heard a lot about you from this sexy little one."  

I remembered his name. He was the boy who picked a fight with Derek in the cafeteria on my first day at RBVU. Or was it Derek who picked a fight with him? Who knew? Anything seemed possible.  

I returned his smile and shook his hand. "Arianne Rose, please to meet you, Aaron. I only hope that Karlie has been saying nice things about me."  

"Of course," he smirked. "You are the girl who's going to bring peace back to Ridge Black Valley. There can only be nice things to be said. Anyway, have a good day, both of you."  

His smile was genuine and kind.

The Camero hummed alive taking off when Aaron Cross stepped back and waved us off. Karlie leaned back in her seat and rolled her eyes again, but she was beaming with a happy glow.  

"What did he mean by that?" I asked her. "Bring back what peace?"

"There is a lot of politics around here, Arianne. There is so much you don't know yet."  

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