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( — that part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience. )

— ♡ —

          RHIANNON WOULD PAY TO SEE THE LOOK ON HER PARENTS' FACES WHEN THEY FIND OUT WHAT SHE'S THINKING ABOUT DOING. Granted, she never thought, in a million years, she'd consider signing up for a Psychology experiment, something she has never shown any interest in (she cares about the brain on a biological, neurological way; the behaviors she studies are all influenced by synapses and the studies she can tolerate are the behaviorist ones for obvious reasons), but, then again, neither did they.

          Breaking the rules for once is strangely exciting, even if she isn't particularly thrilled about forcing herself to go through something like this just to prove a point to a) them, as she's perfectly able to live her life outside of their shadow and b) Matteo, as she finally got him to shut up once she said she'd really think about it.

          She'd pay to see it, but she can't afford to spend money on potentially useless things, as she isn't sure whether she'll sign up or not or, if she does, if she'll even make it past the interviews stage. She's not good at speaking in public (her valedictorian speech back at her high school graduation was a true disaster, with her often stumbling over her own words and having the audience laugh at her, not with her), regardless of the size of her audience, and can almost predict how everything will work out.

          A tiny voice, lodged in the back of her head, reminds her she'll find a way of screwing things up if there isn't one directly available. It doesn't startle her, as it has been there for so long it already has its own room, but, God, she wishes she was a little bit stronger, strong enough to overpower it and move on with her life.

          So, when she steps inside one of the tiny cafés scattered around the campus, she decides to pay for coffee herself—both for hers and for Jude's. The place is packed, even though most of these people should have already gone to class, but, considering Rhiannon's (and, therefore, Jude's) first lecture is at ten, it gives her plenty of time to wait for a vacant table.

          There is, in fact, an empty seat, but there are four other people sitting at that table—three blondes (complete with a strawberry-blonde and a platinum-blonde) and a brunette—and, even though Rhiannon doesn't want to be the type of person who thinks the whole world revolves around her, she's almost certain they follow her with her eyes when she walks past them, feeling awfully self-conscious.

          Hailey laughs, sending shivers up Rhiannon's spine as she stands in line, waiting for her turn to order, and she wishes Jude was here. Isla gets along with them just fine and Matteo has plenty of other friends to hang out with, not to mention he must be stuck in some lecture, and, while Rhiannon truly appreciates their company, it's different with Jude. It has always been.

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