dresses and photo shoots

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{lilacs POV}
I continue to play the game without my helmet cuz of the risk of getting hat hair and due to my styelest doing it. Rose is getting the same treatment, she can't use her head gear either.

   "lilac head up."my head is ruffly jerked up. making me wince.

   "that hurt. please be more careful." all she does is grunts.

   "jona, were done on my side." i shiver hearing the only perverted person enter the room. "ready for the girls, what are they wearing today? launjeray, bathing suits, the summer addition????!!!"

   "actually they'er doing formal winter dinner dresses." i look to our outfit designer and see him putting the last finishing touches on the dresses. 

   "oh Jacky, their beautiful!" i watch envious as rose is allowed to go see the dresses but i'm stuck getting my hair pulled and trusted only to fall back over my shoulders straight and fluffy.

   "bobby, you may wanna stop messing with her hair if you wanna keep your hands." hearing this bobby  lets me go and flops down onto the sofa. 

   "finally freedom." i stand and ignoring the head rush i spin in a small circal letting my hair flow around my body. 

   "lilac come see these dresses Jacky really out did himself this time."

   making my way over to jacky and rose .  seeing the dresses  i gasp. "jacky how, how did  you do this." i pick up one of the sleeves its like  they fade from black to a different colors with the sleeves, and they have sparkles two. i give a soft smile as jacky leads us into the dressing rooms. 

   i turn the dead bolt so the perv cant sneak a peak. jacky helps rose into a pink themed one and me into a light blue themed dress.

   they fit perfectly and beautiful. their was only one problem roses dress was a little to long and she could trip over it. "don't worry rosy, the shoes will fix it." soon we both have shoes that are a little hard to walk in but we know how to do so no worries.

   long story short the shoot was a success, we got to keep the dresses as well. we waste no time waiting for our mom and deside to just walk home. it may be dangerous but rosy has a thing of pepper spray and i have my pocket knife. 

   "hey lilac what do you think we'll have for dinner?" hearing rose i shrug.

   "don't know so long as its got meat i'm all for it!"when i say this i hear a giggle. i stop dead in my tracks rose runs into my back.

   "lil? whats wrong?"



"get in the tree now. someones coming." i push her onto one of the taller branches and pull the hood of my sweater over my head hiding my hair and face effectively but still allowing me to see i thin pull out my knife and fidget with it.

   "we aren't going to find anyone, it was probably just a dear." its a boys voice.

   "no slenderman said that it was definitely a human that entered the woods he felt the precens but couldn't read its thoughts. that is why he sent us to find the kid and bring the thing in." another boy.

 i slip off my flip flops and place my feet firmly on the ground theirs about four people walking our way and as soon as they reach the bend ill be in sight, i already know that two are boys and one is a girl but the third. wait another persons  vibrations just showed up. now theirs more then eight. the new presences bring with them the cent of booze and their closer then the first four.

   "hey everyone look what i found. hey little girl you lost? need a ride? or possibly a place to stay?" he leans in close and reeks of booz. 

    i look up at the boy making my face go blank. he smiles most likely thinking hell get something. 

   he puts his hand on the tree i'm in front of . "what do you want  boy? 

   his mouth is gaping and i have to stop myself from laughing. he growls before grabbing my hood and hair pushing my head against the tree trunk. "watch your mouth girl." i keep calm not even reacting to him grabbing my hair even tho  it hurts like hell.

   i let a small crazed smile  grace my lips. "it'd be best if you knew your place boy." saying this i punch him in the face. he lets go of my head and stumbles back. 

   "you lil wench!" i smile and give a creepy giggle.

   "thats not very nice." his friends  look scared.

   "don't just stand their get her!" with that all the boys start to charge me, i dodge blows and deliver my own.

   soon i get bored and flip my knife out and slash their major artery's. as they bled out i say the one thing i love to say. "a rose may be beautiful but we all have our thorns."

   after i say this a rose bush grew out of each boys chest.

   "can i come down now?" when rose sais this i sniff one of the roses, blood dripping from my hand to my knife to the ground.

   "no someones still here, these boys weren't my original reason for you getting into the tree."  i pick a few of the roses and tie them together with a ribbon.

   "wow you did a good deal to them." acting surprised i turn to see three boys and a little girl.

   i put a hand over my mouth. "rose ill draw the away when their gone run and don't leave my shoes." i back up a few my eyes wide before taking off away from the boys and little girl.

   i keep my eyes forward not looking back relying on my feet to tell me where they are i dodge trees and some how one of them gets in front of me. he has a hatchet, i giggle softly before speeding  up. when he swings at me, i jump and land on the blade of his hatchet. when the other three got close enough i back flipped off his weapon and twisted mid flip bolting when my foot hits the ground. they end up crashing into each other.  not long after my amazing trick i  again run past the body my flip flops are no longer their and my phone rings. i pull out my ear piece. slipping it on i answer it.

   "lilac speaking,"

   "lil? are you still alive?"

   "im talking to you aren't i?"

   "ya, but i wory!"

   "its fine. are you home?"

   "ya, please get home soon." 

  "sure rose i'll be home as soon as i loos these kids."

   "still think were kids little girl." hearing this i  jump into the tree i'm in front of.

   "well that little jellybean is, and you three don't look that old ether so ya your kids." i give a cheeky smile most likely pissing them all off.

   the boys with the orange hoodie decided to try and get in my tree, bad idea. i grab a vary long stick and poke him before getting fed up and stab at his hands and face with the stick. gladly he lets go before i can hit his face with it.

   the boy with the white mask decides to throw rocks at me, even worse idea. i grab one of the rocks that nearly hits my face. i growl and crush the rock with my hands. i drop from the tree landing in a crouch the boys look surprised. 

   "the orange hoded boy played it safe, you did not. now die!" saying this i end up fighting them for some reason they try not to harm me. i beat them  in no time and leave them next to the dead boys.

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