Spencer Reid's secrets

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Herro my wolfinators! I'm back with another story! Yeah I know kinda soon and I havn't updated my other story, but I have a schedule which I will post soon. Now Prolouge Commence!!!

Reid's POV

I walked into the station in Virginia heading up to he FBI level like any other day trying not to think of my demigod life, see I'm kinda a son of Athena, and my real last name isn't Reid it's Winchester, yeah this is how it worked, 


John my father met mary and had Dean, then Athena appeared in Johns life and to be honest I'm ashamed to admit he cheated on Mary, then Athena had me. Since there is a no contact with your children policy Athena sent me to live with John, my father, my halfbrother Dean and Mary, which would probabally be considered my step-mom. So a few years later, when Dean was around four and me being around two John and Mary got back together and had Sam. But sadly when Sammy turned four months old our house burned down and took the life of our mother. John went on a rampage and swore revenge, been on the move ever since. When Dean was ten and I was eight I figured out exactly why we were on the move, and what exactly my father was 'hunting' It turned out that John was already teaching Dean how to fight monsters so when I told Dean of my new aquired knowlledge, Dean was surprised So surprised that while John hunted Dean was teaching me the ways of the hunter. I also helped Dean keep it from Sammy for a few more years. Then when I was thirteen I learned that I was a demi-god turns out Grover had been passing the town we were in and sniffed me out. When we were headed to camp I accepted all the information Grover was giving me, I think it was all the hunter training from Dean and John and all the monster information I sucked up that truly helped me accept the idea of Greek Gods being real, it did explain why I had ADHD, Dyslexia, and a very high IQ level though. I managed to finish college before Grover found me so I already had an IQ of 160. I also asked about my family, they would be worried! I have two brothers who need me! Grover managed to convince me that they are being taken care of and not to worry. I knew they could handle themselves but I was talking about the hunts! But Grover didn't know that. I spent two summers there got traied by my sister Annabeth and her boyfriend Percy Jackson a son of Posiedon. I Already knew a lot about Greek Mythology since I graduated College at thirteen so I was set knowledge wise and  I had a good edge compared to other noobie demigods on Agility and weaponry training because of my hunting training I slowly learned the way of the Demigod. I never abondoned my hunter knowledge though I always wanted to go back to my family even though I had lots of family here I still missed my brother Sam and Dean I also wanted to know how John was and if he learned anything new on the thing that killed Mary. So after my second summer Chiron aksed if I wanted to go back to my family I responded with a YES and went to go pack my things and say goodbye to the friends that I made that included, The Stolls, Annabeth, Malcolm, Percy, Leo, Piper, Jason, Clarisse, Will, Isaac, Chris, Shane, Mitchell and Stiles. I'm friends with Annabeth and Malcolm because they are my siblings and since Percy Leo Piper and Jason are friends with my sister Annabeth I made friends with them. Will is a cool guy, he taught me about healing, archery and everything I know about music. Shane, Stiles and Isaac helped me with weaponry and are really fun to hang around. I think they like me because I give them all my creation ideas. they say there amazing and thank me for the challenge on creating a new item. Clarisse doesn't admit it but I know she likes to spar with me. I think It's because my style is so different. That's because it's a mix of demigod and hunter style. I know Clarisse wont admit it but I kinka know Clarisse will miss me. I don't mind her like most people do, It's actually kinda nice! I show her a new weapon she teaches me how to use it, we talk about war, war strategies, and who we want to pulverise! It's kinda fun! I also kinda like her cocky attitiude. Travis, Conner, and Chris taught me everything  I know about pickpocketing and pranks. They like me because of my crazy prank ideas and I can normally get Stiles to come join too! So I think I'll miss Conner,Travis,Chris,Annabeth,Malcolm,Stiles and Clarisse the most. so after I finished packing I went to say goodbye to all of my great friends, but when I went to go open the door I ran into my other siblings, Annabeth and Malcolm.

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