Agent Hotchner

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Herro my wolfinators! Hope you enjoy the chapter I think I'll post a new story?! tell me in the comments if you think I should do that... It's my own story, no fandoms all through my imagination and I'm excited to get feedback on it... if I post it... yeah, Bye for now my wolfinators, NOW STORY COMMENCE! ENJOY!


 I imediately took in my surroundings memorizing every inch of the place because of my photographic memory. I walked right up to the front desk hoping to look confident.

"Hello how may I help you?"

As soon as I tried to talk the confidence left immediately,

"I-I'd like to try out for a job."

the receptionist raised an eyebrow.

She sighs and says,

"I'll schedule an appointment with agent Hotchner see what he wants to do with you." She mumbles to herself, yet I could hear every word

"Go sit down I'll send someone down to 'see what your made of '. I knew she was being sarcastic I honestly felt offended. Even though I'm 15 and skinny I'm great with a dagger, I also have a Masters degree in Crimonology, History, Human Behavior, Law and a few others that I can't name I can also speak greek.

So I may have Dyslexia and ADHD but that only makes me better! I wanted to talk to Clarisse see if she's holding up and tell her how my plans working out. I know she's holding up she's a daughter of Ares! But still, I miss her. I wonder how Sammy and Dean are doing. Gosh I feel so alone now. I decided to listen in on the recpetionists conversation,

"Agent Hotchner I have a child estimated about 10 asking for a job can you come out here and handle this please?" She says in a snobby voice.

'HEY! I may be small for my age but I'm not 10!' I can't help but think to myself.

I hear mumbling on the other side of the line and then it just stops. He or she must have hung up, A few minutes later I see someone in a fancy suit appear from behind a corner. He looks about 25-40 longish black hair thats parted near his right ear his hair flowing to the left and his eyes a harsh dark brown. He walks up to the receptionist and they have some chit chat and after awhile the receptionist points in my direction. at that specific moment I decided to come up with a fake last name. I thought about bobbies stories of other hunters and thought of Bobbies friend Diana, She used to be a hunter but retired to be a college proffesor. Her son soon found out she had paranoia schitefrania and was sent to a shelter on his eiteenth birthday... but what was her last name? Come on Spencer think! ....... REID! Yeah! That was it Reid! I like to read why not I'll be known as Spencer Reid from now on to these people.

"Hello." Agent Hotch says.

"Hi." I say nervously

"Come on I'll take you to my office. We can talk there."


It was silent until we reached the elavator I decided to break the silence and make sure i wasn't trusting a serial killer and slash or monster/shapeshifter.

"So your Agent Hotchner?" I ask

"Yes I am." I nod examining him carefully. I could detect no lies.

Did I also mention I mastered monster psycology? Meaning I can tell when monsters lie and their next move. I did the same for Humans. I could tell him the human part but NOT the monster part. I'm prepared to lie to these people but i guess i didn't notice how much i actually had to lie to them.

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