Meeting Again I

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Zipperface walked around the old town, her knife in hand. The town she had grown up in, now rusted and old.

"Pft, this town was never that great anyways." She murmured. No one could hear her though, it was in her head. She couldn't us her mouth. It had been burned then Zipped up.

She threw her striped hood back he and looked around. "Ironic I'm visiting here."

She walked to the Guns n' Stuff store. Many rats rested inside, nibbling on the dried fruits. One looked up and squeaked, before launching themselves at her. She held out her knife, and sliced the leading one in half.

"Dhjs ndsk ajsdjsk mr." She said to the rats, in rat tongue. "Ot ypi gjd iy alsk." (Do not attack me. Or you get it.) The rats scurried away, sliding everywhere.

She walked back out, and was halfway to her old house when she heard footsteps. They sounded like worn shoes. She held her knife up and grinned.

"Oh you, come out, DEAR." She growled. "I Love meeting new people."

The footsteps ran again. There were female, to light for a male. "I ain't got time for you. Make it quick."

She heard them jump and the next thing she knew she was on the ground, her face in dirt.

"Don't make me-"

"How do you talk?" the attacker asked. "How do you breath while missing a chunk of throat?"

Zipperface sighed. "It's called being dead while being alive. Its actually something more complex, but Slendy won't tell me what it's called."

The female got off of Zipperface. "Slendy? I know him! Then you friend, not foe?" Zipperface smiled with her zipped mouth.

"I guess then." She got up and dusted her off and cleaned her knife. "I'm Zipperface. And you are?"

"I'm Ripperwolf! And what are you actual name?"


Ripperwolf gasped. "I know you! I'm Chris! Uname!"


A/N: Yay first one shot. Featuring My friend Chris! UnaMe123 is her wattpad.

Ripperwolf (C) UnaMe123

Zipperface (C) WitherMU

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