Bonus Chapter

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"UGHHH....PEARL!" Zayn screamed.

"What?" I ask.

"Luke smacked me again!" Zayn complained.

I gave a look at 1-year-old Luke."Luke!"

Luke giggled along and so do I.Zayn rolled his eyes,"Can't we get a girl?" Zayn plead.

"Let me see first." I winked.I continued,"Remember,get ready for Aunt Lea and Uncle Harry's wedding!"

My phone ringed as a signal that there is a notification.

From : Unknown Number

Hi it's Perrie.It's been a long time since we met after that fight.I came back from Japan and I'm staying nearby.Do you want to meet up at the old Madison Park?

I gulped.


I received a hug from Perrie.

"Perrie you look amazing." I described.

"Thank you." I said.

"Pearl I need to tell you something I never told you."

I gulped,"What is it?"

"2 years back,during the wedding that was messed up,I did a DNA check on my pregnancy." she sighed and continued,"It turns out,it wasn't Zayn's child."

I gasped,"Then who's?!"

"It was a one night stand.I probably got drunk during that night."

I hugged Perrie tightly,"Are you okay now?!"

"Yeah,yeah." Perrie patted.

"So do you have anyone to help you??"

"Yeah I do,it's my boyfriend."

I smiled,"Do you wanna talk about him all day long just like what we did in college?"

Perrie grinned,"Sure."

We both got off from the bench and bragged about Perrie's boyfriend all day long...

You Were Always The One / z.m [au]Where stories live. Discover now