Chapter 1

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A/N: This is the first maid sama story I wrote. Since it's completed I'll be able to post it here quickly once I edit it.


Misaki Pov

Hi! My name is Misaki Ayuzawa. I am currently appreciating my perfect dreamland, while I can, Before I have to get up. Okay I know that might sound lazy but the reason I dread getting up is because-

"Misaki! Where are you? Get your lazy bum up now!"

-Is because of my family.

"Coming," I shouted. 'ughh, someone please save me,' I thought to myself.

I got up and began to brush my hair, we can't all wake up perfect can we? As I opened the door, I was greeted by my 'lovely' family.

"What the hell took you so long?" Growled my oh-so perfect older sister Haru. "I shouldn't have to walk all the way to the attic to get you."

Oh yes, I live in the attic. What sweethearts they are to be so kind to allow me to live there.

"Mother, seriously this is just rude of her to make us have to wait her up," Said my other older sister Aiko.

"Girls hush...go back to your rooms," My mother Minako ordered to my sisters while glaring at me.

When my sisters were gone, my mother turned to me with a disgusted face and said, "You disrespectful, ungrateful child, come down stairs and begin your morning duties NOW!" And with that being yelled, she left me alone.

Don't worry, it doesn't hurt much, this is my everyday life for as long as I can remember. I hurried downstairs and began to prepare their breakfast. Once they got their breakfast, I headed out to my chores which consist of feeding animals, cleaning and whatever they see fit for me.

Don't be mistaken, we have maids but you see, I'm the outcast in my family. My mother and father favor my sisters more than me because apparently they are more elegant and beautiful than I am, and I was a mistake that should've never happened.

I was finally finished with my chores but I had to get to my job immediately. I work in some of our family shops as a regular employee not even a manager. Today was a slow day probably because of the rain.


The door of the cafe opened to reveal a boy probably around my age. What angered me was the fact that he was dripping wet and guess who would have to clean that up. You guessed it right, the one and only me.

I walked up to him and asked in a polite voice,"Excuse me sir but can I help you?"

When he looked up at me, I now realised how adonis handsome he was and his emerald eyes were astonishing.

"Oh sorry, I was trying to get out of the rain," He replied with a gentle smile.

I told him to wait while I go get him a towel. When I came back with the towel, I allowed him to dry. Afterwards he sat in a chair and said he wanted buy something until the rain ended. He ordered a bagel and a coffee. While preparing his order, I could feel his eyes on my back .

I went back to him and placed his order on the table and left him to have some privacy. After what seemed like hours the rain cooled down and the guy got up to pay for his things and might I add that he was still staring at me. I started to get even more annoyed and asked him what was the matter.

"Just wanted to know what your name is,"He replied staring at me as those he was deciding something.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because you interest me, you're the first girl to not freak out while seeing me."

And that angered me more....

"Why you little....who do you think you are. Do you think girls must like you, who are you to think of girls like that," I screamed as loud as my voice could go.

"My name is Takumi Usui, hmmm I would love to stay but I have to leave, see you around~" He said calmly as he began to walk away.

"Don't you dare come back here," I shouted back. 'I hope I never see that guy again,' I thought as I let out a sigh.

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