-The Ball-

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After the festival, which was two weeks ago, Takumi and Misaki became even more closer to each other. When Takumi had ask her out on a date, she said yes and so they went to enjoy dinner in a restaurant, then Takumi walked her near to her house because she didn't want her family seeing them together. In those two weeks, Hinata came to apologise to her and said he would give up on her because he realized that she liked Takumi and he would like if they could just be friends.

The town was currently in chaos because everyone was trying to prepare for the prince's birthday that would be held tomorrow night. Every girl was trying to buy the dress that would best look good on them hoping that the prince would pick them.

In the palace

"Oh Takumi dear it's finally time, we've waited for this moment and now it's finally here." Patricia expressed looking at Takumi getting his fitting done.

"Patricia come on honey leave the boy alone. Takumi your friends are here and by the way I hope that at the ball you will actually dance with one of those young ladies." Yuu, the current knig said walking over to his son and wife.

"Actually, I plan to invite someone to the ball with me. I am going to do it today which is kinda late but I have been busy, so there, are you happy and mom please don't question any further just let it be a surprise." Takumi stated very calmly as if it was nothing. His parents walked away with a very pleased look on their faces and immediately after Kuuga and Kanou walked in.

"Yo, your highness have you asked Misaki to the ball yet?" Kuuga questioned the moment he and Kanou walked in.

"Not yet but I am going to do it soon. She finishes work in thirty minutes and I will be done in five minutes. I am heading straight there when I'm done." he said with a pause. "Who are you guys taking with you?"


 Shizuko." they both said at the same time.

"Hmmm so you guys really were a thing." Takumi replied.  "I'm going to go get change and see Misaki, so I guess you guys have to prepare in advance and stuff so see you later."

Takumi reached the cafe in twenty minutes and saw the closed sign up already. He went up and knocked on the door and not shortly after Misaki came up and opened the door for him.

"Hi misa chan did you miss me?" he announced as he walked through the door and entering the café.

"Of course not baka." she laughed.

He helped her finish clean up and then they went outside to lock the cafe. When they were outside Takumi looked at her with a serious face and asked

"Misaki what are you doing tomorrow night?"

"Ughh that is the prince birthday so I will be home since everyone will be there...why?" she asked very confused to why he wanted to know what she would be doing on the night of ball.

"Then... why not go with me to the ball and celebrate my bithday with me.. why not go with me the prince?" he finished off in a serious tone and his famous smirk.

Misaki stood there shock. "You're the prince?" she blurted out and looked to see Takumi telling her yes. "Sorry but I can't." and with that she turned and ran away from him but he ran after her and caught her.

"Why are you saying sorry Misaki." he said pleading, trying to get an answer from her as to why she was reacting this way.

"Because you're the prince I can't go with you nor can I continue to see you." she said as tears began to fall from her eyes. ' Why did he have to be the prince, out of all the people he could be, why the prince, the person my parents had on their mind to marry off Haru and Aiko to' she thought.

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