It has only just began

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Flashback two days ago

Takumi and Patricia were on their way to Misakis house since she didn't show up at the ball last night and Takumi was worrying thinking that something happened to her. His mother came along with him because she saw how desperate he was to know if the girl he wanted to introduce to her was ok. They arrived in less than twenty minutes to the Ayuzawas household and was told by the head maid to wait while the Ayuzawas prepare to meet them. Haru and Aiko came down with their parents looking like they went to re-do their makeup and changed clothes, which they did.

There were three unfamiliar faces behind them but Minako excused them and so they left. Takumi took one last look at the three strangers while they were leaving before the conversation started

"So your majesty, your highness." Sakuya piped in first bowing to his guest. "I hope you came here because there is a marriage proposal to be dealt with after that ball you had last night?"

Patricia cleared her throat before talking. "Not exactly, you see my son Takumi here has become quite fond of your daughte-"

"Well thats good news, so was it Aiko or Haru?" Minako so rudely interrupted.

"Please let me continue." The Queen voiced earning a nod from Minako. "Well as I was saying, he is very fond of your daughter Misaki but seeming we didn't see her last night we came here to make sure she was alright."

"Of course she is but she's not here right now. She had to visit a close sick relative on short notice so she left sorry." Sakuya answered trying to hold in his anger about the soon to be king interest in Misaki.

"Well then sorry for the intrusion but I guess we will be going. Thank you for seeing us and until next time." Takumi got up and held his hand for his mother to get up while the others in the room bowed and thanked them for coming.

When Takumi and his mother were gone the Ayuzawa house was frantic. Aiko and Haru were walking up and down the room asking their mother,

"What are we going to do mom?" "What if they find out what we did?"

"Don't worry about that, shes dead and no one will find her so stop worrying about it. What we have to do is get the prince to marry one of you so focus on that and lets not talk about this any further today, understand." Minako stated in a stern voice. 'Nothing is going to ruin me being able to live amongst royals not even Misaki.'

Meanwhile in the carriage back to palace

"They're lying and I know it, Misaki wouldn't have just left without saying something even to her friends." Takumi spoke up.

"Quite so. It seems they were trying to hide something when I mentioned her name."

"sado" he called to his butler sitting across him, "i want a full investigation about the Ayuzawa household, first find out about any sick relative and if there is none who she is wth report back to me"...' if anything happened to her, i don't know what i'll do'


"Sorry but you're his grandfather?" she said in shock, then realising her mistake she bowed and said. "Your majesty."

"Yes I sm." Takumis grandfather answered looking at her.

"But why are you out here and not in the palace?"

"I took a time off for a vacation besides it's already time for yet another generation to lead this land."

"I  see, so umm about my revenge how shall we begin?"

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