Chapter Eleven: Hot Chocolate

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After I got back inside, I immediately got to work on making sure the room was... uh.. presentable.
I carefully folded up the finished present and put it in a large bag under the desk, then hastily took down all the embarrassing photos and posters of Adrien from my wall and stuffed them discreetly into my bookshelf.

No need for Chat to see my obsessive, one-sided love life.

I took a final look around before plugging in my string of lanterns and moving Tikki over to the top shelf of my closet, where I had crafted her a little sleeping space out of a small pink pillow and a nightlight to project stars onto the ceiling. Mostly, she stayed there during sleepovers or sudden visits. Otherwise, she just slept beside me on her designated pillow.

"...Marinette?" Tikki stirred in my hands.

"Shh, we have company," I whispered. "Don't worry, you can go back to bed."


She yawned cutely in my palms before curling up and falling back asleep. I set her down gently into her pillow-bed and slid some of the leftover cookies in beside it, before quietly closing the closet door.

....Should I put on makeup, or would that be weird?

* * * * *

Still standing outside, I breathed hot air into my palms and rubbed my gloves together, combatting the chill as best as I could.
I hadn't minded the cold much when I was leaping across Paris, but now that I was standing still, the fall weather was getting to me. Especially now that the sun was down. I took out my baton and checked the time. 4:36, and no missed calls from Ladybug.
"Of course not, you idiot," I muttered to myself. "She's sound asleep."
I heard Marinette moving downstairs and wondered what was taking her so long. I didn't mind, of course. I was honestly just excited for the company. Seven hours of darkness and solitude was better than being cooped up at home, but it had still gotten pretty lonely once patrol ended.

This isn't the first time I had visited Marinette as Chat Noir. It's not a weekly occurance or anything, but certainly not rare, either.
After a certain akuma targeted her in particular, we had worked together while Ladybug was away to defeat him. Ever since, I found myself drawn to hang out with her on the balcony after patrol. After all, it's not like I get to really be myself as Adrien, so hanging out with a friend as Chat is very freeing. With the added bonus that I see the other side of Marinette, of course. The one that isn't nervous or stuttery, like she gets around my civilian self. She's brave, bold and funny, and I kind of love it. I only hope that she feels comfortable enough to talk like that with Adrien someday..

A sudden pause in the music caught my attention, and I peeked over the balcony to see if Marinette had shut the window. I noticed that the bright light had been replaced by a much more dim lighting, turning the room a pretty shade of peach. But no, her window was still open.
Just as quickly as the sound had stopped, however, new music began; calm indie music played from her bedroom, below. Something warm and inviting, with an acoustic guitar and a soft female vocalist. I felt my cheeks burn against the cold air; it occurred to me that the change in atmosphere almost felt like a date. Alone with Marinette.. In her room...

I jumped, startled out of my thoughts by Marinette's abrupt appearance.

"Eh, uhh-- yes!"
Smooth. Very smooth.

"Come on in. Sorry I took so long, you must be freezing out here."

I held in a shudder as she took my hand and led me past her bed and down to the floor below.

Had she... fixed her hair? Nah, she wouldn't fix her hair just to visit with me. ...Right? I gave her a quick once-over while she was busy grabbing what looked like a snack tray.

No, wait, she definitely hadn't been wearing lipgloss when I saw her last.

I tried not to smile; she worried too much.

It occured to me that I had never been in Marinette's room as Chat. Always on the balcony. The atmosphere felt different at night. Somehow even more cozy than before, if that was possible.
Was that possible?

"Chat?" Marinette asked, back from grabbing the tray.

"I made hot chocolate and heated up some cookies from earlier. Would you like some?"

I felt my mouth water as I took in the familiar scent of Marinette's pumpkin gingersnap cookies. I suddenly felt like I hadn't eaten in years.

"I would love some!"

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