The summoning

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Claire's POV

I have read the entire book front to back, over and over again I kept reading about the hound clan... out of the four in the book I couldn't not be fixated with them.

The hounds of Lucifer...

And that summons, that demon... images of his page ran across my mind, the book told that he was head of the hounds and the right hand of the devil... legends say that his voice is seductive enough to coo women into his arms so he can give them up to the devil... but he is the only hound in text to be said to have the horns of a ram with eyes of fire...
I shivered as I read more and more, why was I so fixated on him? More importantly why was I not in bed yet, it was nearing twelve thirty... and I have an early shift tomorrow...

As soon as my head hit the pillow of my bed I dozed off into another world, but there was no light.. only blackness. I walked along the dim lit dirt path with nothing to guide me but my own two feet, I didn't know where they were taking me and I didn't know what lie ahead of me; but I couldn't stop myself.

"I've been waiting for you..."

"Who's there!"

"The voice that calls you, come towards me..."

I didn't want to! Yet my feet kept walking, ahead of my path was a man... a devilishly handsome man... his long black hair was slicked back and tucked behind his ears, his jawline was firm and toned it could make any woman quiver... his lips parted slightly into a sly smile revealing his small canine like teeth. His beard trimmed but prompt on his face, some girls might consider his look a very 'daddy' look...

"There you are, finally..."

"Who... who are you..?"

"My name isn't important now darling, what's important is I've finally found you..."

"And what is it you want with me..?"

He chucked coming close to me, I couldn't move my feet nor could I look away from him... grabbing my waist he pulled me against him, my breasts resting against his strong chest. I couldn't wake up, I couldn't leave to another dream but why would I? I watched as his firm hands ran along my body trying to meld me closer to him...

"I want you now... I was destined to have you."

"But who are you..? Why are you doing this..?"

He smiled as he began to nibble and suck on my neck, "I'm doing this so you will come find me..."

Lifting me so my legs wrap around his waist he laid me against the ground, my heart was racing as the man came over me smashing his lips onto mine. I tried to push him off of me but I was far to weak, with one hand he pinned my hands above my head and with the other he spread my legs apart so his waist rested between them.

"Soon you will be mine, and I will take you just like this... but you have to say my name when you call..."

"When I call..?"

Suddenly my alarm went off and I jolted up in bed, wiping my forehead I brushed some sweat off. Did that dream really get me that hot..? I blushed at the memories of it, even though I didn't know him or why he wanted me... the way he handled me was just sexy, I looked to the clock and saw I was running late; fuck... I bolted around my room quickly gathering the things I needed and ran from my home to the pet shop.

"You were almost late Claire, long night?"

"No Darrel, just got ready a little late."

He giggled, Darrel was a very humble man and put up with a lot of my mistakes; if anything I could consider him really close family he was always there for me.

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