Part One

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"Freak!" The boy shouted as he pushed the girl in the street. Her brown eyes flecked with blue filled with tears.

"I-I'm not a freak!" She shouted back. She hated that word. Freak.

The boy and his friends laughed at her as she tried to cover up her hands.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to Mr.Lenner's arm." She looked away. It was true, the other day she'd brushed the teachers arm and shocked him terribly.

"I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" One boy stomped on her leg. She heard a crack. Her hands sparked under thighs.

"Please stop, I don't want to hurt you." She didn't, no matter how angry she got at these boys. They laughed again, then punched her. Her hands now crackled with electricity. One of the boys scampered away.

"You're not going to hurt us freak, we're going to hurt you." The 'lead' boy nodded his head. Two other boys came from behind him and went to grab her arms. She screamed a warning, but they didn't listen. The second their fingers came into contact with her tanned skin, electricity arced up her arms and both boys fell to the ground, writhing. The 'leader' muttered a curse and sprinted, the others doing the same.

Raeden Tereese sat there as they squirmed in pain, then lay, still. She gasped, and as fast as she could, ran back to her home.

She arrived at her home in a little over ten minutes. She ran in, slipped off her dirty black converse, and looked around. Her mother came out of the kitchen and wrapped her in a hug. The woman brushed back a piece of Raeden's yellow-blonde hair. The two sets of eyes, both exactly the same color looked into each others.

"Whats wrong Rae?" Her mother asked. Raeden stammered, just wanting to get up to her room.

"It's-um, nothing. I'm just not feeling well." Her mother nodded and stroked her daughters hair. Just then, the sound of a car pulling into their driveway was heard. Raeden gave her mom a panicked expression. "Go." She hissed. Raeden grabbed her backpack and ran up the stairs. The car could only mean one thing, her father was home.

Raeden's mother ran into the kitchen, and pulled out the huge meal she'd made for her monster of a husband. She set it out on a table near the television, he loved watching the news. Raeden didn't know why he loved it so much. She hated the news. She hated the bland voices talking about dirty politics and how awful our world was. Who needed the negativity?

The front door swung open and a mountain of a man stumbled in, clearly wasted. His red t-shirt, tight against his stomach, was stained with who knows what. He didn't bother to take off his dirty shoes as he slumped on the couch and began eating. Raeden watched from the stairs, as she always did. She liked to think she stood watch because of her mother, in case he tried to hurt her, she'd be there with her... ability. The truth was, she couldn't control her power, and would probably end up burning the house down. But there she laid, watching her father eat and watch his stupid news.

"ANIALYSE!" The yell of her mother's name made Raeden flinch. Her mom walked quietly into the room, trying her hardest to keep fear out of her brown-blue eyes. He snapped his fingers toward his empty glass of water. Anialyse grabbed the glass and shuffled into the kitchen, eyes on the ground. That was the way the two girls were when their father was home; quiet, few words, eyes down, head up. She brought back his glass. He barely acknowledged his wife as he drank and ate.

A roll and a crawl later, Raeden was in her room, doing homework. She kept her door open a crack in case she heard her mother in pain. In the middle of her homework, the air seemed to shift. Something felt amiss. She shook her head and continued her homework. She hated math. It was too confusing, and her stupid teacher hated her and sat her in the back of the room, never answered her questions. Raeden looked at the teacher wrong and she was in detention. Not to mention she'd shocked him. She took a deep breath and placed her pencil down.

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