Part Four

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Tom drove them back to New Mexico. Pixel was passed out, asleep in the back, spread out on the seats. Raeden sat in the front, akward silence brewing between her and Tom. He looked at her.
"What happened to her arm?" Raeden looked at him. "She didn't finish jumping out of a computer before someone shut it off, it completely cut off her arm." He shook his head and cursed. "What was she doing in a computer anyway?" She shrugged. "I don't know the full story. That's her ability, jumping out of computers, TVs, things like that."
"What about you? What's your... ability?" She didn't want to demonstrate and hurt him, or have him be scared of her. She hesitated. "I'm not afraid, trust me living with her," He jabbed a finger at Pixel. "That's made me fearless." She laughed. "I'm... electric." She lifted her hand and let it glow, then wrapped a bit of electricity around her finger.
His eyes widened. "That's amazing, I would kill to have superpowers." Raeden sighed. Cassy used to say that, in the beginning, how jealous she was. Until she saw that Raeden couldn't control it, and the trouble it got her into.
"How old are you?" He asked. "Thirteen," She yawned. He gave her another one of those warm smiled. "Get some sleep, you look tired." She smiled, leaned her head on the seatbelt, asleep in seconds.
Tom watched the young girl, the worry wiped from her face as she slept. He glanced back at his siter as she slept, the same look of utter serenity on her face. What did they go through? How many children were like Waverly and Raeden, living alone, afraid. He was going to stay in a hotel for the next night and day, then take a bus back to Arizona, but where did they live? The directions on his phone beeped and he made a turn.
Pixel rubbed her eyes and sat up. "Tom?" She asked groggily.
"Yeah?" She flattened her hair. "Is Elect- Raeden ok?" He nodded. "Out like a light."
"Would I be able to come see where you two are staying?" She bit her lip.
"I don't know, I'm not supposed to bring anyone in. The guy who kind of runs the place, Fausto, he wouldn't like it."
Tom cocked his head. "The guy who runs the place? What kind of place are you guys staying in?" Pixel shrugged.
"There's a ton of kids there, so he sort of keeps us organized."
He shook his head. "How many?" Pixel began rolling her wrist. "I'm not sure, listen, I can get Raeden to distract him, and my friend can hide you behind him so you can see it. Would that be ok?" Tom nodded. "Yeah, that'd be great."
Pixel stayed quiet, watching the darkened world pass by. Tom drove. "How long was I asleep?" He shrugged. "Four or five hours." Her eyes widened, and her she mouthed the word, "Oh," He looked towards Raeden.
"Does she have a family?" Pixel nodded. "Yeah, but she doesn't like to talk about them. Her dad was on TV the other day and she flipped out. She got all electric," She glanced at her hand without meaning to. "Maybe she misses them?" Tom asked. Pixel shrugged. "Maybe." They turned again. Pixel laid back down across the seats, figuring she should sleep before California.

"Pixel we're here."
She sat up. "Oh," she said, rubbing her eyes. "Sorry." She got out of the car. Raeden stood there, shuffling her feet. "Your brother told me about distracting Fausto, I'll do it." She sighed. "Thanks so much, Electra." Pixel handed her the money.
"Tell him I'm parking the car, give him this, and ask to speak with him in private about something." She nodded and scampered off with the money.
She walked in, it was relatively dark, and the main room was empty, except for the Dynamights, minus Urian. She walked over. Fausto was immediatley up, and walking towards her. "Did you get the money?" She wordlessly handed him a bag. "Good, where's Pixel?" She jerked her head to the door. "Outside parking the car. Can I talk to you? In private?" He nodded, a concerned look on his face. "Of course, Electra. Would my office be ok?" She nodded. He led her into the office.
Pixel ran inside, Tom following. "Superman!" She hissed. He stood up. "Who is that?"
"This is Tom," He waved. "My brother, show him around, and don't let Fausto see. Please?" He hesitated, then nodded. "I'll have Tweety make some sound when we're done."
They nodded and split up. The Dynamights looked at Tom. "So you're Waverly's friends?" They nodded. "This is uh, the enterance floor, that's our TV, courtesy of your sister and Electra. We'll show you the training floor." They brought him down, Sponge eyeing him warily.
She caught up next to him. "I'm Corinna, but most people know me as Sponge. I'm your sisters best friend. You're lucky Superman is doing this for you, because we could get in major trouble." He nodded. "Thank you, Corinna." They stopped. "This is our training room."
Urian suddenly flickered into appearance, directly in front of Tom. "Who are you?" He demanded. Tom jumped. "Jesus Christ, kid! You nearly gave me a heart attack! I'm Waverly's brother, Tom." Urian looked him up and down, then looked at Tweety, Sponge, and Superman.
"Fausto's going to kill you if he finds out, you know that?" Tweety's eyes widened. "Don't tell him Ghost," His voice changed to a Southern damsel in distress. "Please Ghost, I beg you, I'll give you a kiss if you don't." Superman picked him up with one arm and hurled him into a mat. "Screw you!" was heard from the same female voice.
Sponge laughed. "Do you want to show him where his sister is staying?" Superman asked. They all nodded. Urian flickered over to Tweety, flickered himself back to the group, and wrapped them all in a hug.
"Tom, don't freak out." They decseneded into darkness, then appeared in front of the girls rooms. Tom's hands were shaking. "What the fu-" Corinna slapped him. "Hey! Keep it clean, there are kids in there!" He raised his hands in surrender then peered into the girl's room, eyes widening in shock. "There are this many of you?"
Tweety huffed a laugh. "Yeah, and this is only the girls." He shook his head. "My God," Tom ran a hand through his hair.
Urian pulled them all into a hug again and flickered them back into the main room, then flickered Tom outside, came back, filled Pixel in, and flickered her outside. As they appeared before Tom, his vision blurred and he fell. Pixel caught him.
"Hey Ghost, you ok?" His vision cleared and he nodded.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna go sit down," He stumbled over to a step and sat there, massaging his temples. Tom looked at him in concern. "Is he ok?" Pixel looked over.
"He'll be fine, the idiot over extended himself. His abilities take a lot out of him." Tom nodded grimly. "What about you? Do your abilities do that to you?" She shook her head. "No, mine don't drain me like some of the other's do." Tom suddenly leaned over and wrapped Pixel in a hug. Her eyes welled with tears.
"Thank you, for everything."
"Thank you, for coming back to me," They pulled apart. "If you ever need anything again, or if you need a place to stay... don't hesitate to let me know." She nodded.
He wiped the tears leaking out of her eyes. "I love you Wave, and I may not have superpowers or undersand what you're going through, but I am here for you." She let out a small squeak of thanks, not trusting her voice.
He began to walk away when Pixel called, "Tom!" He turned around. "Where are you going?" He shrugged. "Getting a bus, a hotel, I'm not sure." She gave him a sad smile. "I love you." He repeated her words and walked into the bush.
Pixel walked over to where Urian sat, her heart aching at the thought of her brother being with her... then gone, so quickly. She held out her hand, having to twist herself to do so. "I'm ok, really," He stood up, and stumbled a little bit, Pixel grabbed his arm to steady him.
She led him up the stairs and he shrugged her off once they were inside, walking on his own. Raeden and Fausto came out of the room, and walked over.|
Urian told her she was going to bed, and headed up, accidentally clipping Fasuto on the shoulder. He looked at Pixel and gave her a questioning look, pointing at Urian behind him. Is he ok? He mouthed. She gave him a nod. Tired. He looked toward the young boy sympathetically. Raeden smiled and very slightly raised her eyebrows, asking how she was feeling about the goodbye. Pixel's eyes conveyed the message, good.
"So, the run was successful then?" Fausto's voice broke through the silence like nails on a chalkboard. Pixel nodded. "Electra gave you the money, I assume?" A nod from both Fausto and Electra. Pixel took a look at Electra's tired eyes. "I'm going to go to bed, Electra, want to come with?" She nodded, grateful, and followed Pixel up the stairs. Fausto stood for a second, then followed, going up to the boys floor.
Raeden climbed up the stairs, exhaustion clinging to her like clothing, and walked onto the girls floor. Suddenly, she turned and wrapped her arms around Pixel, smiling at how her head only reached a bit below her chest. Pixel smiled, giving her a squeeze before letting her go. They parted ways with a silent wave. Stepping around the sleeping girls, Raeden was asleep before she hit the matress.

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