Part Three

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Raeden sat with Lillith all night, until the sun came up, occasionally hindering her flames. Whenever she showed any strong emotion, they acted up, tinting her lips a glowing yellow to orange. Nevertheless, it was nice to talk to someone her age, versus Oda or Pixel, no matter how much she loved them. "What's it like to be a twin?" She asked her.
"Well, as much as it can be annoying, I do love him. It's really special. I think the only way we got through the lab was with each other." Raeden nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened in that lab? What did they do?" A haunted, shadowed look passed over the bronze eyes and matching skin. She sighed.
"Tests. Murders. Reasearch. That's what we were for. They locked us in cells and then they'd call one of us up for one of the three." Raeden's eyes widened. "Murder?" Lillith waved her hands. "Please, I'd rather not talk about it." The look of desperation on her face made Raeden stop.
"Let's go inside, I'll introduce you to some of my friends." Friends. The word felt odd in her mouth, yet right. Maybe not odd but... unfamiliar. They headed inside.
The Dynamights, Solome, Linwood, Oda, and a young girl her age sat together. Raeden and Lillith walked in. Lillith's stomach growled as she spotted Superman bringing everyone breakfast. They sat down. "How was your night?" Linwood asked nervously.
"Fine," Lillith said. He nodded. Fausto smiled, radiating calm, and said, "Hello Lillith, I'm Fausto, and it is a pleasure to welcome you here. This is Corinna, Urian, Slate, Ryker, Waverly, Solome, Oda, and Bexley." Lillith laughed. "Let me tell you I'm going to remember none of those names, I can barely remember my own." They all smiled. Oda laughed. "Let's do the thing!" Tweety hissed. They all groaned except for the twins. "What's the thing?" They asked at the same time. Sponge sighed and stood up, pulling Urian and Pixel with her. Soon they were all up, getting into position.
"Wait," Pixel said. Everyone looked at her. "Electra, come here." Raeden felt her face burn. "Me? I'm not a Dynamight though," Pixel laughed and looked at Fausto. He nodded. "You have the Ring Leader's approval, get up here." Oda gave a whoop as she joined next to Pixel.
"Tweety Bird!"
"Electra." Raeden said, arcing electricity up her arms.
"Ring Leader."
They linked arms, Raeden shutting off her electricity. "Together we are..." They paused, looking at eachother, Raeden waiting for a cue. "THE DYNAMIGHTS!" Again, Tweety was clearly the loudest. Raeden smiled so wide it hurt, loving the feeling of being a part of something.
They all sat down and began to eat.
A boy walked over to them. He was small, and covered in freckles. "Um," he said nervously. Fausto radiated calm and smiled. "Yes, Vex. Go ahead." He looked up, hazel eyes in widening in awe as his name was spoken. "Th-the TV. I got it all ready, it just needs a jump start, and so does the remote because there's no batteries." Fausto looked at Raeden. "Can you help him with that?" She nodded, ad walked away with the small boy.
"Are you- are you a D-Dynamight?" He asked. Raeden wasn't sure how to answer the question. "Um, I don't know. I'm friends with them." He smiled, showing off crooked teeth. "I think that's cool." She gave him a warm smile.
He led her over to the huge TV hung up in the room. "The control panel is down here," he pointed to a black box with glowing buttons and wires that Raeden couldn't begin to even understand. "It just needs a little jump start," He pointed to a small outlet. "There." She looked at it and felt connected to the box, she suddenly knew just the amount of electricity it needed. Very carefully, she let a tiny shock come out of her finger. The TV made a clicking noise and glowed to life. He handed her the remote, staring at her. This one would need more electricity in place of the two batteries that should've been there. In her free hand, she made to small bolts of electricity. She guided them into place in the remote. The remote lit up.
"Excuse me?" Vex said. She smiled at him. "Are you... Electra?" She nodded. "Yeah, that's me." He fidgeted. "Um, could you... c-come with me, for a sec? My friends, we all talk about you. We overheard Pixel talking about you. You're amazing." Raeden nodded. "Thank you, and of course I'll come with you." She followed him over to a cluster of mini chairs. They were all occupied by a child, maybe Oda's age, maybe younger.
He smiled so big Raeden was sure it would break his face. "Hi," she said, and sat down on the floor near their chairs. They stared at her like she was a queen.
A girl offered her a chair. "I'm fine thanks."
"I'm Electra," she chose to use the name Vex had called her. "What's your name?" Her large, blue eyes widened. "Keegan." She played with a finger of hers, but stretched it out like it was made of rubber. "Woah, is that you're ability?" She nodded. "That's amazing." She turned her head to a boy, who looked the youngest. His skin was so pale it looked near transparent. "What about you?" Just like that, he melted. Raeden gasped. The kid was a puddle. "Are you ok?" She asked. He reformed and laughed. Raeden laughed too. "That's such a cool ability."
The other kids showed her their abilities. It really was amazing to her, what they could all do. It was like she was in a house full of superheroes. "Show us yours!" Vex said. She let a glow spread throughout her body and made a staff of lightning. The kids cheered. She dissipated the staff.
"I'm going to go, but it was so great meeting you all." They said goodbyes and she walked off. A huge woosh sounded from the TV, and Raeden jumped, sending out a small spark. She looked back, but it looked like she hadn't hit anyone. She looked back at the TV. It was on, displaying the local news. Raeden hated the news, but it wasn't up to her to change it. A weatherman was talking about how sunny it was going to be. She walked back over to them.
"It's going to be sunny, and I get paid to say the same thing every day, because we live in New Mexico, and it's always going to be freaking sunny!" Tweety joked in the weatherman's voice. Raeden laughed as she sat down.
"Let's try another station," Pixel suggested. "Where they're not doing the weather right now." They nodded. "Hey, Raeden, do you think you could?" Pixel asked. Raeden cocked her head. "I'm not sure, I'll try but I don't want to fry it by accident." Fausto spoke this time. "You'll be fine," If he was pressuring her to do it, than she better do it.
She closed her eyes, sending her electricity out searching for the small bolt in the remote. She accidentaly connected with wiring in the wall once or twice, but then she felt a click inside her, and connected with the remote. With a very small push on the bolts in there she changed the channel. It was like being connected to it told her exactly what it needed. "Stop," Fausto said. She broke the connection and looked up in a panic, immediatley afraid that she'd fried something. "It's ok, it worked." She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.
This time, a newsman stood in front of a scene wrapped in police tape. "I'm George Awry coming to you from the Cottonwood Mall, where a young boy is dead after apparently exploding. The boy was walking into a nearby Melkin's Science Depot," At this, everybody looked around, Pixel and Raeden sharing a look of terrified curiosity. "Where he then began to run away from the store. He later exploded just a few steps away from the shop. We'll have more details on this breaking story from Leslie this after noon. I'm George Awry and back to you, Hudson." The scene changed to a man in a brown suit claiming that the boy was an alien.
Fausto looked at Pixel. "Melkin's Science Depot, isn't that the place where-" Pixel nodded. "Yeah. My guess is that I bet the kid freaked, and maybe exploding was his ability? He got out of control?" Fausto nodded, then grabbed Pixel's arm and pulled her closer to him.
"Would you be willing to go back? The two of you since you seem to work so well together? We could send Urian as well, in case you need him to flicker you out of there." Pixel was already shaking her head. "I don't want to send her. I don't want to put her in danger. You can send me and Urian." Fausto gave her a look.
"Well, what about the electric shield you told me about? The one in the truck? What happens if they get you again?"
"Urian could flicker us past it." She sounded more like she was convincing herself.
"First of all, you know how our abilities, especially people like Urian's, react with electricity. We will not have the same thing that happened to Warion happen to him because of you." She glared at him and her hand became pixelated. "Don't go there Fausto," she warned, her eyes filling with tears.
"Don't use that against me,"
"Well, don't suggest it. I can't lose anyone else." Her eyes practically glowed with fury. "Then stop sendnig us on runs because you like feeling like the boss." By now, Raeden and Tweety had stopped looking at the TV and were looking at the pair.
"I have no choice but to send you on runs, would you rather us die here?" Fausto growled.
"Sometimes, that seems like the better option under your rule, Ring Leader." She hissed, putting as much venom into the words 'Ring Leader' as she could.
"You know Pixel," he said, matching the venom in her voice. "You don't have to stay here. You can run away, like you ran away from Warion." She slapped him, and it echoed across the room. Raeden gasped. Pixel looked over at her, and saw the shock and fear in her eyes. Pixel walked over to her. She could feel Fausto begin to radiate his calm, by now knowing the feeling and whipped around. "No," She said. He put his hands up in surrender, and the feeling vanished.
"Hey," she said, placing a hand on Raeden. There it was again, that flinch. She wasn't even sure that Electra noticed that she did it. "Listen," She paused. What did she want to say?
"Were you fighting about me?" She asked. Pixel's gray eyes widened. "Why would you think that?" She shrugged. "I don't know, I'm sorry." Pixel looked at her. "Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong." She nodded.
"I don't know if you should've done that," Tweety said to Fausto, his voice for once serious. "Done what?" Fausto asked, confused. "Brought up Warion. You know how she is about that. You know that I'm your best friend, and I'm going to stick up for you no matter what, but that was super uncalled for." Fausto glared at him. "Then you can leave too! Everyone's always on me when I mess up once. I'm not perfect, you know." Tweety shook his head. "Nobody said that you have to be perfect, just don't bring up Warion." Fausto got up and stormed off into his office.
Raeden was planning to ask who Warion was, but was too afraid. She didn't want to make Pixel more upset. They sat together and watched the man on the TV continue talking about aliens.

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