Part Five

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Raeden's vision seemed to tunnel. Her eyes focused on Crispin standing there, tears cutting tracks down his small face. She looked at the young boy in disbelief. He couldn't have done that to them. He wouldn't have gotten them stuck here.
"Why?" Urian said, his voice devoid of emotion. Crispin continued sobbing. The man shook his head an tsked at Crispin.
"Strong boys don't cry. Now go back to your room, and we'll have an assignment later." Crispin gave the group one last look before walking out of the room, and shutting the door softly behind him. The man strode closer to the cells, watching them with interest, like they were test subjects.
Raeden sat down on her cot and tried to think of any way she could get them out of here. She could take down the electricity and just push through the pain the collar gave her. Urian could flicker them out. The man stopped in front of Urians cell.
"Now you, our little buddy wasn't so sure about. He knew that you could teleport, but I have a feeling there's a little something more than just teleporting. How about we see what that is, hm?" The man pressed a button on a tiny bracelet that he was wearing, and a hole in the cell opened up. Urian bolted for it, but the man slipped in before Urian could get out.
The man produced a silver collar from his lab coat pocket and unlocked it, ready to place it on Urian's neck. Urian's eyes filled with fire, and he charged at the man. The man pressed the same button that opened a hole in the electric wall, and Urian was gently shocked with electricity. He collapsed with a yell, and all of the others screamed as he fell to the ground.
Pixel whimpered loudly, and the man turned to her as he clamped the collar down on his neck. It reminded her too much of Warion.
"Reminds you of somebody? Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't worry though," He said with a fake smile. "It's not enough to kill him." He then dragged a moaning Urian out of his cell, out of the door, and somewhere not safe.
Pixel sat down on the cot, running her hands through her hair. It seemed strange to Raeden, seeing her leader and friend so broken. She paced wround the cell, trying to decide the best place to break the wall.
"So, are we going to make a plan, or are we going to sit her pacing and panicking?" The two girls snapped their head to Galena. "It's just us, does anyone have a plan? Or... part of a plan?"
Raeden looked at the wall. "I could take down the wall. You heal whatever happens to me with this collar thing, Pixel gets us out of the door with her abilities, and we find Urian. Sound good?" Galena shrugged.
"Yeah seems good, and if we see people trying to kill us or capture us?"
"We knock them out. Don't kill unless you really have to." Raeden said, remembering Urian's words. Pixel stood up. Raeden held her hands out in front of her.
"Electra, you have to be prepared, this is going to be a ton of pain, you've proabably never felt pain this bad before-" Raeden cut her off, thinking of the time a beer bottle had shattered against her back, leaving pieces of it and scars behind.
"No need to worry about me and pain, I have a high tolerance for that." And she immediatley started sucking up all the electricity in the wall around her. Her neck felt it was trying to be burned off, the collar became red hot and pulsed along her skin. Nevertheless, she kept pulling all of the electricity into her, until the wall dissipated and she collapsed with a moan. She laid on the ground breathing heavily and clutching at the collar around her neck.
Galena sprinted over to her friend and extended her hands towards her. Pixel jumped into the technology and disabled the locks and alarms, as Raeden's body was healed by Galena's glowing hands. As the green wisp returned, Raeden's face was pain free, and she sat up.
"How you doing, Electra?"
"Fine. Now get this disgusting metal thing off of me."
Pixel snorted and jumped into the collar, only to be pushed out a thrown across the room. She cried out as her head hit the wall.
"Pix?" Raeden and Galena ran over to her. She sat up.
"I'm, uh, I'm fine. Just hurts a bit." Galena's eyes met Pixel's.
"No, you have a concussion, let me heal you." Pixel let Galena grab her head and use her powers to clear the fog from her mind.
"Ah, thanks. I don't know what that was. Some kind of defense mechanism I think? I can't get in and shut it down." Raeden frowned.
"Well I don't need it off, but could someone with access to a remote that controlled this hurt me?" Pixel shrugged.
"I don't think so, but why risk it? Do you think you could fry it? Shut down the power?"
"Probably, I'll try." She raised her hand to the collar and pushed out some of her electricity. Raeden let out a gasp of pain, but then the collar crackled and sparked, shutting off. "It worked." Pixel nodded, then got up.
"Good. Now let's go find our Ghost."
"How? How are we going to find him?" They paused, not having thought out this part.
"I could just jump through the locks on each door really fast. I'll come back to you guys and we can get him out of here." Pixel suggested. With the ok from Galena and Raeden, she hopped into the lock on the door, zipping through each lock and looking for Urian.
Almost every room on the first floor were either business-like conference rooms, doctor's offices, or rooms full of those collars like the ones that Electra had had on. She hopped into the elevator and rode it down to the next floor, making the elevator creak with the speed it was moving at. As the doors opened, she hopped into the next closest lock. These rooms were all labs, full of people looking into microscopes.
She hopped into the elevator, and as the overly slow doors began to close, a scientist stuck his hand out and got in with her. She cursed as he pressed the button for the bottom floor and hummed as the elevator slowly made its way down. After what seemed like hours of waiting, the doors opened and she zipped out going for the locks and then paused.
These locks were different. Every one was made differently, each with different alterations that didn't make sense to her. The scientist was gone so she came back to her normal form and emerged in a cell. A teenage boy sat huddled in a corner staring into space. He jumped when Pixel appeared.
"Who are you?" He asked. Pixel noticed her had a collar around his neck.
"I'm Pixel, I'm looking for my friend. Has anyone come down here today with a dark skinned boy?" The boy paused, then nodded.
"I think they took him to the examination room. It's at the end of the hallway," She thanked him, and was about to leave when he said, "Pixel?" She turned around.
"Ar-are you going to rescue us?" He picked at a scar on his arm, actually, his whole body seemed to be covered in scars.
"I will." She turned into a green wisp and jumped into the locks, back up the elevator and zipped her way back to her friends. They ran to her.
"Did you find him?" Raeden asked. Pixel nodded.
"That's not all I found." She explained to her about the boy, and all of the other cells. Then she told them about where Urian was.
"Well then let's go! We got some kids to rescue!" Galena said. "Raeden, watch my back. I don't have any offensive abilities, but I can heal you guys if anyone lands a hit. Let's go." Pixel nodded and jumped into the door. She diabled the alarms and the locks and flew back out.
The three girls made their way down the hallway, Galena in the middle, Pixel and Raeden on either side. Pixel disabled whatever security cameras were in the hallway and they prayed that nobody came out of the doors. No one did. Pixel jumped into the elevator, and the two girls walked in. Pixel sped them down to the bottom floor, while Galena grumbled the whole time, "I hate elevators."
As they opened the door, the scientist Pixel had seen before was ready to enter. He gasped, and grabbed his walkie-talkie. Raeden pointed at it, shooting a bit of electricity from her fingers, and it sparked and fried. She then placed her hand on his chest and sent out a bit of electricity, just enough to send him flying backwards where he hit his head, knocked out.
Pixel disabled the cameras, and then they sprinted down the hallway full of cells. Raeden looked around her and saw the people watching them, staring through the rusty bars of the cells. Some of the cells had electric walls, and some didn't.
The three turned around.
Eight armed guards stood there.
"Hands in the air!"
Pixel cursed violently.
"Go," Raeden said. "Get Urian out, I'll stop the guards." Pixel's eyes widened as she shook her head, beginning to protest.
"You have ten seconds to get on the ground before we fire!" Pixel began to get down, but Raeden pulled her up.
"No, Pix. Go get him! I can handle this."
Pixel shook her head. Galena grabbed her arm and tried to pull.
"Pixel, we have to go! Raeden's abilities are super strong! And if she gets hurt, I'll heal her." Galena pleaded.
"If anything happens to either of you, I'll never forgive myself." Pixel said, looking at her two friends. Galena made to pull at her again.
"I won't let anything happen to you guys, I promise," Raeden grabbed Pixel's hand.
"Now please, rescue Urian."
"For Warion! Do it for Warion!" Galena practically shrieked.
Pixel's eyes hardened, tears threatening to spill out.
"You're right. Let's go." She said, and Galena smiled, relived.
Raeden let go of Pixel's hand, and hers began to spark, her electricity wrapping around her entire body.
"One! Fire!" Raeden created a shield that covered the mouth of the hallway, bullets hitting it and falling to the floor, useless. Pixel and Galena were running down the hallway as fast as they could. When they reached the door, Pixel jumped in and opened it, an alarm sounded.
Raeden pushed more electricity into the wall, wondering when the guards were going to stop firing. She needed to knock them out so that when the rest of them came back and freed the prisoners, they wouldn't get hurt.
She created a figure made of electricity in front of the barrier. She made it take a few steps forward, backward, so she could test how it worked. The guards all stood in a line, firing at the figure. It walked over to the first guard and pushed electricity into his gun. The electricity flew threw the metal and into the guard's hand, burning him. He cried out and fell to the ground, cradling his hand. The figure sent a bit of it's electricity at him, and he was unconscious.
"Switch to ammunition two!" The figure stood confused, then charged one of the guards who was having trouble switching over his ammo. It pounced on him, and the guard was immediatley knocked out. As Raeden controlled the figure, she suddenly felt her hold loosen on it's movement. As she looked through, she realized that the guards were now shooting pellets of electricity.
The pellets kept coming and they were messing up her figure. The electricity was too much for her to hold onto. She herself couldn't be weakened by too much electricity, but her figure could. She cursed and dissipated it. After taking a deep breath, she jumped through the barrier.
The pellets were hitting her, but they only gave her more electricity. As she felt her body glow, she expelled the electricity in a wave that blew them all backward. They all flew, and she watched them to make sure they were all staying down.
"Electra!" Raeden snapped her head towards her friends, and her vision flashed and swayed. She placed a hand on a wall to steady herself and realized she was still glowing. Her body was slick with sweat, and her head felt heavy and spinning.
"Are you ok?" Pixel asked.
Raeden nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, that was just a lot of electricity," Her hands sparked as Pixel got closer to her. "I'd stay away right now, Pix." Pixel obliged, though she looked unhappy about it. Galena's hands glowed as she held Urian up.
"They were practically torturing him in there, they were draining him to see of they could find a weakness or something." She seethed. Raeden's hands sparked again.
"Now let's free these prisoners so we can figure out what Melkin wants them for." Pixel turned into a wisp and flew through the locks, freeing everyone. Raeden made her way to the middle of the hallway and absorbed all of the electricity from the cells. No sooner had she finished, when a girl ran up to her in a flash and had her pinned.
"Who are you?" She demanded, her voice surprisingly strong for how young she looked.
"I'm Electra, over there is Galena with our friend Ghost, and the girl who disappeared is Pixel. Now please let me go, my electricity is going to hurt you," The girl jumped off her. Raeden sighed and let her glow return. "Now who are you?"
"I'm Ava, why did you free us? Are we moving somewhere?"
"We're rescuing you. There's a man who has a safe house for people like us. Pixel will tell you all about it. My turn, why are all of you here?" Ava's dark blue eyes turned cold.
"We're the mistakes. Anyone here who didn't turn out like they wanted us to got stuck here. Everyone here has some kind of so-called problem. Taino has telekinesis, but he's also autistic. So things just sort of float around him," she looked around sadly at all the people. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go help everyone get out of here."
"Oh! I can be your..." Raeden faded off as Ava zipped away and people started disappearing. "Backup." A loud gasp coming from behind startled her.
"Ghost!" Pixel yelled and ran over. Raeden followed.
"Hey, guys, thanks for the save back there," His eyes swept over the scene, seeing the unconscious guards on the ground. "Damn, who did all that?" Pixel pointed to Raeden.
"Yep, that would be me and my friend." She tried to create the figure she'd done before, but she lost her hold and swayed, causing the figure to dissipate.
"Electra, are you alright?" Pixel asked.
"Yeah I-I'm fine. Just need to take a breather." She laughed weakly. Ava zipped over to them.
"So, mind giving me the address so I can transport them all there? It's not that far, right?"
"Could you do New Mexico?" Urian asked. Ava hissed.
"Not all of them. There's about twenty here. I'll take ten and you take ten?" They all glanced at Urian. He paused, considering.
"I got it, as long as Galena can help me out." She nodded. Pixel told her where their warehouse was and Ava was off. Pixel, Galena, and Urian gathered people and sent them over to Raeden, where she filled them in on Fausto's system. Suddenly, a young boy yelled out, "Someone's coming down the stairs!" Pixel and Galena ran back to Raeden. A loud stomping sound was heard, and Raeden cursed, then ran over to where the sound was coming from, next to Urian.
Urian's fists clenched.
"Raeden, go back to the kids in case a guard slips by me," He sucked in a breath as armed guards poured out of a staircase Raeden hadn't even known was there. Her body sparked and glowed as she ran back to them all.
Urian pushed out his hands, and it was like a field of invisible warriors followed him, knocking the guards to the wall, pushing them down.
"What is he doing?" Raeden asked.
"He's controlling any spirits in a near enough vicinity to fight for him." Pixel answered. Raeden watched in awe as guards went down in seconds. As soon as most of the guards were down, he swept his arms over to the side and the door o the stairs slammed shut, his ghosts holding it down so no more could get through.
"Raeden! I need you to take down stragglers!" He yelled out. She sprinted over and threw out her arms, releasing her electricity in a wave and knocking back every last guard.
"Everyone come over here!" The group ran over to Urian. Raeden grabbed onto Urian's arms, already knowing what to do.
"Group hug!" Pixel said. They all wrapped around eachother, and they were gone. Urian and Raeden pushed the group so they could get where the needed to go, and then the whirling darkness and strange spirits blended into the front of the warehouse. Ava was already there with her ten.
Urian passed out, pulling Raeden down with him. She just lay there, too exhausted to move, and Galena ran over to them.
"Raeden, do you need help standing?" She asked.
"No I'm fine, just overdid it a bit. Is everyone safe?" Pixel nodded as she knelt down next to her.
"Good, I think I might..." She faded off as the darkness pulled her under.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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