Chapter 3

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I slowly gain my vision .
Still dark . I was in a dark room with a light just shining over me .

I slowly start to gain back my body . I could feel and move again. I try to get up . I can't .

I'm tied up to a brown chair . The rope that was used was brownish and had a green-ish tint to it . Like it was old .

I try to move , but can't . I'm tied down too tight . The rope was so tight that it slowly was cutting off my circulation.

Slowly I start to look around , but it was hard to see anything. Everything was dark and the only light source was the dangling light above my head .

" HELP , SOMEONE HELP ! " I scream out of sudden outburst of panic . With the adrenaline going I struggle trying to get loose of the rope .

To my disappointment  I don't escape . I sit there in more pain then before. Sitting here with my arms behind the chair I'm in , and my legs and torso tied to the chair .

I feel as if I'm tired but I stay awake because of my fear on not waking up again. Within those minutes of my thoughts suddenly comes a noise .

I hear a slight click and in result I swiftly look up and say " hello ? " then quickly follows silence.
" who are you ! " I say with passion to know who's done this .

It stays silent for a good minute until I hear -
" looks like someone is awake " . Then following that is a creepy chuckle as if it found it amusing to see me like this .

The voice was deep and raspy and easily detectable of a male voice . It sounded close but not too close .
I then open my mouth to ask once again ,
" who are u ? " but more quickly this time .

In surprise I got a sudden response.
" unknown " the voice said .  Those words gave me chills that traveled down my back . I thought to myself - will I ever know who is talking ?

After that was silence. I wanted more answers but part of me was telling me to shut it . I thought it would be better to stay quiet. Within me thinking I hear a sharp click , like the sound of a door .

Waiting on what the hell is going on I decide to go inside my head and listen to my thoughts as if I were just letting them flow .

Waiting here not knowing to what will happen or what has occurred. This still feels like a bad dream . Have u ever had that feeling ? Like something bad happens or is in the current state of the bad situation that u think to yourself that it can't be real , and that only this happens in movies , or that something like this couldn't possibly happen to me ... can it ? This dream seemed pretty impossible to wake up from . It's like I've tried all the methods but none as successfully worked . These thoughts of mine are useless and will never be heard or shared but we all think of having unique , beautiful , and brilliant thoughts when in reality - they are things that most likely never be heard or worshiped - yet we treat them as if there artworks that are priceless. And - and maybe no one thinks like this or maybe they do , but I'm sitting here thinking the way I'm thinking on how unbearable this is . Fighting and being in destress in my own head ?

" click"

That sound , that one sound snaps me out of my weird thoughts and back into reality. Still deciding weather reality is better than my mind . The click sound was of the door always made me pause .

Me sitting ,  - waiting for something to happen again. I slowly look around but it's useless cause there's nothing but emptiness but ,  to my curiosity I keep looking around anyway.

Suddenly out of nowhere I start to feel someone or ... something fiddle with the ropes . From me trying to escape a few minutes ago they were a little looser than before . I feel them hugging tighter against my arms and torso.

I could feel the rope making rope indents in my arms and legs. The "thing" was making them tighter I try to look behind to see if I could see hands or not .
I slowly turn my head to the back to try and get a glimpse.  To again meet my disappointment I still don't see hands .

Nor could I tell what it was because I look behind and the light doesn't make its way behind me. My head blocks most of the view of what's doing it .  I couldn't see what was doing it .

Shortly after it was tightened about a minute later I hear a ... " click " . That click signaled that who ever or whatever was doing that must have left .

Still sitting here still curious is waiting here wondering what the fuck is going on .

Will I ever see my kidnapper ?
Will I ever now who it is ?
I just wanna see what he or she looks like at least.

With little to no information about what happened or who's doing this . It's only the first encounter. There will be more ..... right ?

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